Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Lysine Help With Genital Herpes

Side Effects Of Herpes Supplements

Arginine and Lysine and Your Herpes with Alexandra Harbushka

Herpes supplements are not linked to any adverse side effects because most will utilize natural ingredients. However, studies have found that they can surely put some mild side effects on the body when not consumed according to the intended dosages.

That being said, healthy adults might not even experience those mild side effects at all. But when they are taking the supplements with other medicines, the mild effects can indeed be noticeable. For that reason, it is pretty essential to talk with your doctor before taking one of these supplements.

We refer to the mild side effects like dizziness, tiredness, headaches, nausea, depression, vomiting, joint pain, stomach pain, menstrual pain, stuffy noses, and skin rashes. Some people even reported that they faced mood changes while taking these supplements.

In terms of adverse side effects, few people claimed that they experienced easy bleeding and bruising. But we believe that the supplement that they were taking did not have the right ingredients.

What I Did To Help My Outbreaks

So, what did I do? Well, I adjusted my diet as best as I could. ;Im vegan for ethical reasons, so eating meat and dairy were simply not an option. ;I was stuck being a vegan with herpes.

I cant exactly stop eating things with arginine because they are where I get my protein, but I did cut back. I had blood tests run to make sure I was getting enough protein and they came back fine.

I decided that the best thing to do was to take lysine supplements. I experimented a bit to find the right dosage for me, which I think is quite diet dependent. I tried 1,000 mg, then 2,000 mg, and finally 4,000 mg/day. I found that taking two doses of 2,000 mg of lysine one in the morning and one at night right before I went to sleep was the ideal amount for me.

I still have outbreaks, but they are less frequent and less severe. I really wish my doctor would have told me this. It would have saved me a lot of painful days. ;Being a vegan with herpes isnt easy, but with careful diet monitoring and lysine supplements, you can make it much easier to deal with.

Top 13 Best Herpes Support Supplements Of 2021 For Outbreaks

Despite the stigma around herpes, the condition is still relatively common. With over 500 million currently suffering from HSV-2 , the use of supplements can have a profound effect. The companies that make these products provide the body with essential nutrients that can help the immune system.

Some supplements promise to help users eliminate the virus, offering antiviral benefits with the ingredients. The top products on the market will help consumers potentially get rid of herpes entirely. Even though most scientists agree that this is a lifelong condition, reducing the outbreaks and making them much easier to handle.

For some people, these supplements can work, but why? Which ones are the best herpes supplements on the market right now? Thats what this guide aims to reveal.

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How Lysine Affects You

Like many amino acids, lysine is used to build muscles and collagen, which is an important constituent of cartilage, connective tissue and skin. “Biochemistry of Human Nutrition” author, George Gropper, reports that lysine has other important roles in your body, such as promoting absorption of calcium from the intestines, facilitating the manufacture of enzymes, hormones and antibodies, and stimulating the production of creatinine. Creatinine is used by the body to help convert fatty acids into usable forms of energy. If also reduces blood levels of LDL, the “bad” cholesterol. In “Advanced Nutrition: Macronutrients, Micronutrients and Metabolism,” Carolyn D. Berdanier et al., explain lysine is also taken as a supplement to reduce the symptoms created by cold sores and genital herpes, which are caused by different forms of the herpes simplex virus, and shingles, caused by the herpes zoster virus. Specifically, lysine is able to reduce viral uptake of arginine, which inhibits replication.

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Lysine For Shingles  Benefits Of L

. Zhonghua Yi.Xue.Za Zhi. 1982;62:11-12. View abstract.

Doraiswamy, T. R., Singh, N., and Daniel, V. A. Effects of supplementing ragi diets with lysine or leaf protein on the growth and nitrogen metabolism of children. Br.J.Nutr. 1969;23:737-743. View abstract.

Heinrichs, W., Fauth, U., Seufert, W., and Halmagyi, M. . Infusionsther.Klin.Ernahr. 1987;14:252-255. View abstract.

Kagan, C. Letter: Lysine therapy for herpes simplex. Lancet 1-26-1974;1:137. View abstract.

Matsuda, I., Arashima, S., Imanishi, Y., Yamamoto, J., Akaboshi, I., Shinozuka, S., and Nagata, N. Lysine intolerance in a variant form of citrullinemia. Pediatr.Res. 1979;13:1134-1136. View abstract.

Metges, C. C., Eberhard, M., and Petzke, K. J. Synthesis and absorption of intestinal microbial lysine in humans and non-ruminant animals and impact on human estimated average requirement of dietary lysine. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2006;9:37-41. View abstract.

Miller, C. S. and Foulke, C. N. Use of lysine in treating recurrent oral herpes simplex infections. Gen.Dent. 1984;32:490-493. View abstract.

Milman, N., Jessen, O., and Scheibel, J. . Ugeskr.Laeger 10-22-1979;141:2960-2962. View abstract.

Milman, N., Scheibel, J., and Jessen, O. Failure of lysine treatment in recurrent herpes simplex labialis. Lancet 10-28-1978;2:942. View abstract.

Pellett, P. L. and Ghosh, S. Lysine fortification: past, present, and future. Food Nutr.Bull. 2004;25:107-113. View abstract.

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Lysine Can Help With Herpes

Q: Are cold sores and herpes the same thing? Ive got both, and finding out theres no cure really stinks. My friends say lysine can help. Is that true?

A: Cold sores and genital herpes are caused by different types of the herpes simplex virus, or HSV. Each type is quite contagious.

HSV-1 causes cold sores on the lips and mouth. Its estimated that half of the population in the United States is infected with the oral herpes virus. The majority of genital herpes, which is a sexually transmitted disease, is caused by HSV-2. The infection rate of HSV-2 in the U.S. is estimated to be at least 15 percent and as high as 20 percent. Some cases of genital herpes are caused by HSV-1, as the virus can be spread from the mouth to the genitals.

Youre correct that at this time, there is no cure for either type of herpes infection. Instead, people who have frequent outbreaks seek to manage the condition. Many people infected with HSV-2 rely on antiviral medications, which can shorten or suppress outbreaks of genital herpes and also lessen symptoms when an outbreak does occur. The three main drugs are acyclovir , famciclovir , and valacyclovir . Antivirals may also be prescribed to people infected with HSV-1 who are having frequent or severe outbreaks. The over-the-counter cream Abreva, which targets oral herpes, can be useful at curbing an outbreak when used at the first sign of symptoms.

What Does Lysine Have To Do With Herpes

One other function of lysine well, not so much a function as an effect is that it competes with another amino acid known as arginine for space in our cells.; Each of our cells has little tiny doors on them through which certain substances may pass.

Think of those little doors as the holes in the childs toy where the objective is to put the round object through the round hole and the square object through the square hole.; The round object will not go through the square hole and vice versa.

Lysine and arginine are like two different colored square blocks.; They are both competing to get through the square doors on the cell walls.; Only one can pass at a time, so if there are tons of lysine blocks and only a few arginine blocks duking it out at the cell door trying to be the one that gets through, by simple probability there will be more lysine blocks that will make it in than arginine before there is no more room.

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Amino Acid Deficiency And Your Body

If a body does not collect the necessary ten amino acids, it will start to suffer from an amino acid deficiency. An amino acid deficiency is severe and causes the degradation of internal cells within the body. The deterioration will eventually lead to serious health problems. In developed countries, amino acid deficiencies are rare, but they do happen. Deficiencies are naturally preventable by eating foods that are rich in essential acids or by taking supplements. Foods rich in amino acids include eggs, meat, beans, and cheeses. Yes, you can take a supplement instead of eating essential foods, but as with anything that the body naturally requires, it more readily absorbs the substance when ingested as a natural food source then when taken in supplement form.

Lysine Can Potentially Help Both Types Of Herpes Virus

The Benefits Of L-Lysine In Improving Health Naturally

Dear Doctor: Are cold sores and herpes the same thing? Ive got both, and finding out theres no cure really stinks. My friends say lysine can help. Is that true?

Dear Reader: Cold sores and genital herpes are caused by different types of the herpes simplex virus, or HSV. Each type is quite contagious.

HSV-1 causes cold sores on the lips and mouth. Its estimated that half of the population in the United States is infected with the oral herpes virus. The majority of genital herpes, which is a sexually transmitted disease, is caused by HSV-2. The infection rate of HSV-2 in the U.S. is estimated to be at least 15 percent and as high as 20 percent.

Youre correct that at this time, there is no cure for either type of herpes infection. Instead, people who have frequent outbreaks seek to manage the condition. Many people infected with HSV-2 rely on antiviral medications, which can shorten or suppress outbreaks of genital herpes and also lessen symptoms when an outbreak does occur. The three main drugs are acyclovir , famciclovir and valacyclovir . Antivirals may also be prescribed to people infected with HSV-1 who are having frequent or severe outbreaks. The over-the-counter cream Abreva, which targets oral herpes, can be useful.

Also Check: Does Abreva Work On Genital Herpes

Editorial Sources And Fact

  • Cheng H-Y, Huang H-H, et al. The In Vitro Anti-Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Type-2 Activity of Long Dan Xie Gan Tan, a Prescription of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chemotherapy. March 2008.
  • Dai X, Stanilka JM, Rowe CA, et al. Consuming;Lentinula;Edodes; Mushrooms Daily Improves Human Immunity: A Randomized Dietary Intervention in Healthy Young Adults. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. April 2015.
  • Meyers M. Lemon Balm: An Herb Society of America Guide. The Herb Society of America. 2007.
  • Schnitzler P, Schuhmacher A, et al. Melissa Officinalis Oil Affects Infectivity of Enveloped Herpesviruses. Phytomedicine. September 2008.
  • Umadevi M, Rajeswari R, et al. Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Withania Somnifera. The Pharma Innovation. November 2012.
  • How Does Lysine Treat Herpes

    One of the most notorious amino acids that actually aids the proliferation of herpes is arginine. While its beneficial for many metabolic, circulatory, and muscle-growth needs, the herpes virus depends on arginine for replication. So, where does Lysine come in?

    Most of us know that when the virus penetrates a cell and becomes active, its ready for replication with symptoms manifest on the surface of the skin. This results in an outbreak. While cures are hard to come by, Lysine can help to stop the viral replication process that leads to a flareup.

    Its been well-studied that both lysine and arginine compete for absorption into the bodys cells. Since they share the same transport systems, a diet rich in Lysine versus arginine can help to inhibit HSV. Lysine also blocks Arginine from being of use in the body.

    In the reverse, a high amino acid ratio of Arginine to Lysine can be shown to inhibit Lysine function in the body.

    The bottom line is, both amino acids are important in the body for many reasons than we have time to share. But, when suffering with a flareup or trying to prevent a breakout, keeping your Lysine intake higher versus an arginine intake can help to keep the itch and blisters at bay.

    To prove Lysines benefits when it comes to practical use and treatment of herpes, a study showed that it decreased the number of breakouts, reduced severity, and sped up healing time.

    Also Check: Is Herpes And Cold Sores The Same Thing

    Herbs For Colon Cleansing

    The second step in using herbs to relieve the symptoms of genital herpes is to utilize herbs that are clinically proven to help cleanse toxins out of the body.

    Cleansing herbs promote regular and complete bowel movements, strengthen the peristaltic muscular action of the small and large intestines which push toxins out of the body, and vacuum old waste material from the intestinal walls.

    It may not make sense to cleanse the colon when the issue is genital herpes on the skin. However, the body will have a much easier and faster healing time if the colon is cleaned out and moving toxins out regularly.

    Effects Of Lysine Deficiency

    herpes ulcer genital

    A lysine deficiency is considered fairly rare, even in vegetarians and people on restricted diets. However, “The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Herbs,” by Nicola Reavley, reports symptoms of lysine deficiency include kidney stone formation, dizziness, reduced appetite, fatigue and anemia. Severe deficiency can lead to hormone imbalance and affect metabolism, sexual reproduction and growth. People at risk of lysine deficiency are those who do not eat fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products or meat, but rather consume heavily processed foods, sugary foods and soda pop.

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    Adverse Effects And Interactions

    In the last 10 years, the FDA has become concerned over the safety of AA supplements in the wake of 24 reported deaths in 1988 from eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome linked to a contaminated batch of L-tryptophan.18 In 1992, the Life Sciences Research Office did not reach a conclusion on the safety of lysine, but stated that its use for HSV suppression was not associated with adverse effects.3

    Multiple animal studies suggest that large doses of oral LMH have no adverse clinical, hematologic, or pathologic side effects.3 Some studies done in rat pups have shown that lysine-rich and arginine-poor diets cause growth retardation.3 Intravenous lysine has been associated with renal toxicity and death in rats at doses greater than 4 g/kg of body weight.3

    Human studies of LMH have not reported any significant toxicity. At the highest doses of 3,000 mg/d, only a few cases of dyspepsia were noted.10 However, there is one report of tubulointerstitial nephritis which could have been caused by long-term use of 3 g LMH daily.19

    There are no reported adverse interactions with LMH. Animal data suggest that LMH is safe in pregnancy and lactation.3 However, there are no human safety data on LMH in pregnancy or lactation.

    Supplements And Vitamins For Herpes Outbreaks

    Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

    Herpes, whether oral or genital, can be an annoying, frustrating virus. Whether you get frequent outbreaks or have asymptomatic herpes but worry about transmitting the virus to others, herpes can cause a variety of difficult physical and psychological symptoms. These days, the most common drugs used to treat herpes are oral antiviral medications, such as valacyclovir. Weve covered these medications beforein general, they should be your first line of treatment in the event of a herpes outbreak. However, are there alternatives? We’ve all heard the stories about people using supplements and vitamins for herpes outbreaks, but is any of it true?;

    In this guide, well look at some of the most widely used vitamins and supplements marketed as herpes treatments. Well look at the scientific data behind each supplement and the benefits of each product to help you make informed, effective buying decisions.

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    How We Ranked The Best Herpes Supplements

    Ranking the supplements was not that easy. There are plenty of oral and genital herpes supplements that claim to offer effective results. Still, in reality, they only provide the body some essential minerals and nutrients such as vitamin C. However, when we kept these factors in our minds, ranking them became easier:

    Try Taking The Supplement Lysine

    Why LYSINE or even Lysine Pills for anyone that has Herpes May Damage the Detox Process

    In terms of taking supplements to prevent breakouts, I especially recommend L-lysine. This is the primary supplement for herpes, Gade says. L-lysine is an , a building block of protein. When you have an outbreak, it can be taken orally to shorten the outbreak in conjunction with an antiviral medication.

    Lysine appears to be useful in reducing the number and the severity of outbreaks. The usual daily dose is between 1 and 3 milligrams.

    Some studies suggest that taking lysine regularly may help prevent outbreaks of both and herpes sores. In Gades experience, patients have had no side effects using lysine. In some people, though, there have been reports of the supplement causing and diarrhea.

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    Osteoporosis And Physical Performance

    Osteoporosis causes bone degeneration in the aging population which puts them more at risk of sustaining a life-altering fracture. Post-menopausal women are a significant risk of developing the bone density problem.; L-lysine plays a vital role in the bodys ability to absorb calcium which reduces the risk and damage from osteoporosis.

    A diet rich in calcium increases an athletes performance ability. It is not uncommon for athletes to take protein powders that are high in L-lysine to improve their bodys ability to utilize the calcium they are consuming.

    Best Herpes Supplements Top Remedy Products For Outbreaks

    Herpes is more common than you think. Fortunately, herpes supplements can help.

    Worldwide, nearly two-thirds of all adults have either oral or genital herpes. According to the CDC, approximately 12% of American adults have genital herpes, with around 500 million people worldwide carrying the HSV-2 virus.

    Herpes supplement companies aim to help. Today, nutritional companies have launched products to support your immune systems ability to fight the herpes virus.

    Some herpes supplements even claim to specifically target the virus, flooding your body with antiviral compounds to eliminate the virus from your body. Some of the most popular herpes supplements even claim to rid your body of the virus entirely.

    Do herpes supplements work? Whats the best herpes supplement available today?

    Our editorial team ranked the worlds leading herpes supplements. Here are our picks for the best-rated herpes supplements, capsules, tinctures, and products available today.

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