Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Laser Hair Removal Genital Herpes

Answer: Laser Hair Removal And Genital Warts

Pros and cons of laser hair removal – Dr. Priya J Talageri

First, you absolutely need to properly get diagnosed and have it determined if you do or do not have genital warts. Genital warts need to be taken care of and oral medications need to be taken on a daily basis. Getting laser hair removal can trigger an outbreak, of genital warts if you’re treating that area, or herpes on the face if you’re treating the face. So, you need to be on a current daily medication like Acyclovir or Valtrex, and you should not be having an outbreak when you go for your treatment, as it could make it much worse. But first, you need to get a confirmed diagnosis for what you have. It’s very important!

Are There Any Other Potential Risks Getting Laser Hair Removal With Herpes

While the incidence of triggering an outbreak may not be high, it should be part of the discussion with your laser hair removal professional. If you feel that your laser hair removal treatment may have triggered a herpes outbreak, it would be best to discuss this with your physician to determine if an antiviral medication is recommended.

With laser hair removal, there are no risks for spreading herpes to other parts of the body as areas with active outbreaks cannot and should not be treated.

You also dont need to worry about transmitting herpes to your laser hair removal professional since they wear gloves during all treatments.

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Is Laser Hair Removal Harmful Long Term

Both studies did not show any long-term side effects or scarring. Laser/light hair removal, carried out by trained professionals, is a safe procedure with a very low incidence of permanent sequelae. The majority of adverse effects are transient and minor. They are more common in darker skin. read more

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Answer: Negatives To Complete Laser Hair Removal In Private Area

Thanks for your question and as you can see from all the answers so far posted, there is no basis to the article that you are referring to. Laser hair removal has never been associated with any increase in infection in anyone and in any area treated. So if this is something that interests you, you should have no major concerns. Remember, laser hair removal is hair removal over time some need 2, 4, or 6 treatments and some may need more. And most will need some maintenance therapy over time find the right provider and good luck with things.

Treatments For Herpes Simplex Virus

Fraxel Dual Laser

While there is no cure for infection by HSV-1 and/or HSV-2, topical and oral medications are available to treat the viral infection. Examples of antiviral medications include: acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir. The medications can help control symptoms and outbreaks and may decrease the chances of spreading the virus. There are currently no approved vaccines to prevent infection by the Herpes Simplex Virus.

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Can You Get An Std From Laser Hair Removal

Yes, there is a possibility of getting a sexually transmitted disease when you have laser hair removal.

But this can only happen when the tools used for the laser treatments are not sterilized and, as such, serve as the hosts for the infections.

But it is important to understand that this rarely happens as many spas invest a lot in the sterilization of their tools.

With this, any microorganism on the tools would have been killed before using them for other clients.

Nevertheless, you need to ascertain that your laser hair removal provider sterilizes their equipment properly before using it for you.

Homiley IPL hair removal device

Do you still have any doubt about the cleanliness of a laser hair removal provider? Then, you shouldnt get laser hair removal from such a person.

But you can stay in control of your hair removal process by using the IPL Hair Removal.

It can be used at home for removing unwanted from various parts of your body.

Also, you dont have to share this IPL hair removal tool with anyone hence, you can rest assured that you will never get an STD from using it.

Can Laser Hair Removal Activate Herpes

If the laser hair removal goes smoothly, it should never activate herpes. This is because herpes is a sexually transmitted infection hence, laser hair removal on its own can never activate it.

Unfortunately, this is not usually the case as some mistakes during the procedure may damage the surface of the skin.

When this happens, you will become more susceptible to having any infections, including herpes.

Besides, if you have a recent history of herpes, such skin damage can reactivate herpes. As a consequence, you may start seeing the symptoms of herpes again.

So, if you think you are at risk of reactivating herpes after laser hair removal, I think you should avoid the procedure for some periods. It wont hurt you to try using regular shaving methods like an electric shaver.

Long lasting hair removal

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Burns Around And On The Labia After 5th Laser Hair Removal Treatment

I had my 5th Brazilian laser hair removal treatment last Tuesday night. Starting maybe Thursday, my area was sensitive but nothing I couldn’t handle. Starting on Friday, it began burning and it hurt to urinate. There are sores on the outside of the labia and on the inside. I went to a CareNow clinic and they gave me antibiotic cream to apply to the area. Is this from the laser being too strong this past session or is there something else wrong?

Who Can Have Laser Hair Removal

How Ingrown Hairs Are Removed | Art Insider

Anyone with extra body hair can have laser hair removal. Its usually a cosmetic procedure. It may improve your appearance or self-image. Many people also prefer not having to shave regularly.

Sometimes laser hair removal treats excess hair growth caused by:

  • Hirsutism, when women grow dark or coarse hair in areas where men usually have hair.
  • Hypertrichosis, when men or women grow excess hair anywhere on their bodies.

These conditions might be the result of:

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Will I Experience Side Effects After The Procedure

Usually, you will not experience any side effects, but for some people, some may appear. First of all, you may notice that your skin might be red. There are also instances when the skin may be swollen. You may also experience slight pain after the treatment. However, the pain and swelling will go away within a few hours.

Using a cold compress can do wonders after the treatment, and you will feel refreshed after doing that. Another vital thing to consider is not to expose the treated area directly to the sun immediately after the treatment. You also avoid any artificial or bright light. Then, after a few days have passed, you can get back to your normal activities.

Symptoms Of Herpes Simplex Virus

For many people, infection by HSV is asymptomatic, causing no symptoms. For others, the infection can cause the following symptoms:

  • Painful blisters or open sores- usually in or around the mouth or in the genital region.
  • Patients often report a tingling, burning, or itching sensation before the breakouts occur.
  • The first outbreak following the initial infection is usually the most severe. In addition to painful blisters and open sores, patients can also experience fever, body aches, and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Subsequent breakouts tend to be less severe and milder.
  • Common triggers that cause outbreaks include: sunlight, fever, physical injury, surgery, suppression of the immune system, or stress.

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Causes Of Genital Herpes

A virus known as herpes simplex virus causes genital herpes. The virus can easily spread from person-to-person through sexual activity.

There are two types of herpes virus:

  • HSV-1 is generally referred to as oral herpes as it tends to form in or near the mouth.
  • HSV-2 typically develops around the genitals and is the most common type of STI.

Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be oral or genital.

Sexual activity can transmit both types of the herpes virus. Practicing sex with a barrier method can help prevent the virus from spreading. However, people can

  • the weather is hotter and more humid

People can contract genital herpes through sexual activity with anyone who has the virus.

People most at risk are sexually active people with multiple partners.

It is still possible for herpes to spread even when using a condom or a dental dam, and a person is not experiencing a flare.

Herpes From Laser Hair Removal


If youve ever had a laser hair removal procedure, you know that the process is safe and effective. But if youve experienced a herpes outbreak after a laser hair removal treatment, then you may be wondering what exactly happened.

In this article, well discuss what herpes is and why it can occur after a laser hair removal treatment. Well also cover what options are available for patients who have been affected by this unfortunate event.

Laser hair removal is a popular procedure that many people are considering to get rid of unwanted hair. Its a safe, effective way to remove hair, but its important to know the risks. One risk is herpes simplex virus infection.

In this blog post, well talk about what herpes is and how it can be spread through laser hair removal. Well also discuss how you can protect yourself from contracting the virus while undergoing laser hair removal by taking proper precautions and following your salon or spas recommendations.

If youve ever had a laser hair removal treatment, you know that it can be a bit uncomfortable. But its worth it to get rid of those pesky hairs, right? If only it were that simple.

In some cases, laser hair removal treatments have been linked to the development of herpes zoster . This is because the skin is burned by the laser during the procedure, and this can cause an immune response in some individuals. In this case, your bodys immune system will fight back against the virus and create an outbreak.

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Laser hair removal: Common misconceptions

A lot of misconceptions exist about what laser hair removal is and what it can and cant do. Is it permanent? Does it work on light-colored hair? In this video, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Carolyn Jacob separates fact from fiction.

Laser hair removal for men

Today, more men than ever are seeking laser hair removal as a way to permanently eliminate unwanted hair. Watch this video to learn how laser hair removal can help treat issues like razor burn and ingrown hairs.

Are you tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing? Do you get razor bumps or acne-like breakouts when you get rid of unwanted hair? If so, you may want to consider laser hair removal.

Dermatologists use lasers to remove unwanted facial and body hair safely and effectively. Thanks to advances in technology, most people can safely have laser hair removal.

Removing the unwanted hair can take 6 sessions or more. Afterwards, laser hair removal is permanent on most areas of the body. Due to hormones, its not permanent on a womans face.

Laser hair removal can be repeated when the hair regrows.

What dermatologists treat: The lasers designed for hair removal can be used on most parts of the body. Many lasers effectively treat large areas. Laser hair removal can treat the:

  • Face, especially the upper lip and chin

Insurance coverage: Insurance does not cover laser hair removal.

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Insurance coverage:Insurance does not cover laser hair removal.

Answer: Take Valtrax In Advance

Thanks for your question. HSV breakouts can be unpredictable. Sometimes they are triggered by stress in the area. Do not let this dissuade you from getting LHR. If you are overly concerned, have a physician write you a prescription for Valtrex. Follow their orders, but generally take it a couple days before until a couple of days after a laser treatment in that area. I hope this helps.

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Things You Should Absolutely Avoid Before Getting Laser Hair Removal

Before you permanently do anything to your body, make sure you know what you’re getting into. That includes laser hair removal. It may seem like a no-brainer: zap unwanted hair with a wand, and poof! It’s gone. But it’s not that simple.

First, choose a place to get laser where the pros will be honest with you. I was hesitant about trying it myself, but after reading reviews about different spots, I decided to laser my armpits at Romeo and Juliette in NYC. I liked that technicians there would not just do the treatment on any part of my body. For example, they did not want to do it on my upper arms, where the hair growth is hormonal. This made me feel confident that the areas they did take on were actually treatable. While I am still treating my pits, the hair has gone from coarse and dark to soft and blonde.

Along the way I learned more tips from the spa’s owner Christian Karavolas. For instance, you can’t do laser when you have a spray tan! I had no idea. Keep reading to discover why that is a problem plus eight other things to never do when getting laser hair removal.

Tip: Avoid self-tanner

Tip: Avoid actual tanning

Tip: Avoid antibiotics

Tip: Avoid certain vitamins

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kathryna Hancock

Tip: Avoid Makeup

Tip: Avoid deodorant

Tip: Skip laser if you have a cold sore or breakout

Tip: Also pass on laser if you have an acne breakout

Tip: Avoid laser around the time of the month

Answer: Increased Stds After #laserhairremoval

Laser hair removal benefits | Laser hair removal pros and cons

Dear Hus5:An idea that there could be an increased risk of STDs after laser hair removal could have come about as a result of confusion over the increase in STDs after shaving, which creates nicks in the skin that could allow a portal of entry for infections, and has absolutely no basis in fact. The only downsides to laser hair removal are the upfront costs involved and any possibility of a change of heart in the case of the more radical Brazilian approach, and the possibility of activating a herpetic infection if there is a history of herpes in the treated area . Upsides include saving of time, prevention and elimination of ingrown hairs, infections and itching, and over the ,one run, saving money.

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Lose The Haireven There

Theres no better feeling than stepping out of the shower after shaving and experiencing complete smoothness everywhere on your body. Imagine feeling that way every dayonly without that whole annoying shaving part. With Brazilian Laser Hair Removal, say goodbye to your old shaving routine and hello to long-lasting, smooth skin.

Full Brazilian Laser Hair Removal removes all or almost all pubic hair. Its a more permanent hair removal treatment than waxing or shaving. The laser targets follicles, emits light energy, and stops the growth of hair. And it can be done in less than an hour. With Brazilian Laser Hair Removal, you can experience smooth, clean skin with minimal effort.

Answer: Herpes And Laer Treatments

We always check to see if a patient has a history of Herpes by checking their medical history form and verbally asking them. To help minimize the chances of an outbreak I have my patients start Valtrex the day before laser treatment and continue until the day after treatment. Laser treatments do have the tendency to cause outbreak sometimes. Good Luck

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What Are The Possible Side Effects

The most common side effects are minor and last 1 to 3 days. These side effects include:

Other possible side effects are rare when laser hair removal is performed by a dermatologist or under the dermatologists direct supervision. Other possible side effects include:

  • Skin lightening or darkening

In time, skin color tends to return to normal. Some changes to skin color, however, are permanent. This is why seeing a medical doctor who is skilled in laser treatments and has in-depth knowledge of the skin is so important.

It is also important to follow your dermatologists instructions. Following both the before-treatment instructions and after-treatment instructions will greatly reduce your risk of side effects.

Questions To Ask Before Having Laser Hair Removal

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To ensure your treatment meets your expectations, ask the following questions before laser hair removal:

  • Will a board-certified dermatologist perform the laser hair removal?
  • How many of these laser treatments has the doctor performed on people with my skin coloring?
  • How many laser treatments will I need?
  • What results can I expect?
  • What will I need to do before getting laser hair removal?
  • What are the potential side effects?
  • Do I have a higher risk for any side effects?
  • May I see before-and-after photos or speak with patients you treated with laser hair removal?
  • How much will the treatment cost?

During the consultation, your dermatologist also can tell you whether another treatment would be a better option for you.

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Laser Hair Removal On The Privates

For laser hair removal to be effective in the genital area, you must do at least eight treatments. Each person is different, but we have noted that most people need eight weeks or eight treatments before they start seeing results. So, it is essential to remember that laser hair removal is not considered instantaneous. The time it takes for the hair to fall out depends on various things. It all depends on the color of your hair, the color of your skin, and the hair growth cycle.

When it comes to reducing hair growth, you should know that this is usually pretty high. You will see that your hair will grow less in the area treated even after the first treatment.

You should also take into consideration that the results are not permanent. It is common for the hair to grow back, but you will see that it is usually lighter and thinner than before. This is a great advantage, and you will know that you will like this as you will be doing this treatment.

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