Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Foods Can Cause Herpes Outbreaks

What Happens If You Dont Get Herpes Treatment

3 At-Home Treatments for Cold Sores

The good news about herpes is that its not deadly or even very dangerous. It might be annoying, but herpes doesnt get worse over time or cause serious health problems like other STDs can.

If you dont get treated for herpes, you might keep having regular outbreaks, or they could only happen rarely. Some people naturally stop getting outbreaks after a while.

There are a few reasons people may decide not to get treatment. They might not have that many outbreaks, or their outbreaks dont really bother them. Or maybe theyre not having sex, so theyre not that worried about having herpes right now. Whatever your situation is, getting treatment for herpes is your choice.

Having herpes can make it easier to get HIV, because the sores give HIV an open pathway into your body. So always use condoms to help prevent the spread of both herpes and HIV.

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How Lysine Works Against Cold Sores

Lysine supports human health in many ways, but its best known for its potential role in protecting against cold sores.

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 . Some people infected with HSV-1 never experience an outbreak, but most have experienced the pain and embarrassment of cold sore blisters. These fluid-filled sores develop on or around the mouth and burst to release their fluids.

Though no permanent cure for cold sores exists, its possible to prevent future outbreaks or expedite the recovery of existing cold sores using lysine. HSV-1 relies on arginine-rich proteins to spread and reproduce. Arginine is a different amino acid found in certain meats, nuts, and wheat. It triggers cold sore and aggravates existing outbreaks.

Research suggests that lysine works against cold sores by interfering with the absorption of arginine. With the help of enough lysine, arginine becomes unavailable to the virus and shortens the duration of the outbreak.

In one small study, treatment with lysine ointment achieved full resolution in 40% of participants by the third day and in 87% of participants by the sixth day. This marks a vast improvement compared to a standard cold sore episode that may last up to 21 days without treatment.

Also Check: Can You Tell If You Have Herpes

What Can I Eat

A cold sore outbreak cannot be stopped once you have it. What you can do is eat food that helps in preventing the outbreaks. Lysine blocks arginine, and stops the virus from replicating. Lysine-rich foods like vegetables, legumes, milk, cheese and fish are helpful in strengthening your immune system and preventing cold sore.

As for foods during an outbreak, cold foods, vegetable juices, and warm soups can satisfy your hunger while preventing the sore from being aggravated.

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Colds Fever And Immunity Busters

Getting another illness like the common cold can bring on herpes outbreaks because your immune system is busy fighting the new thing.

A fever is popularly known to cause HSV-1 outbreaks, or cold sores, giving them the name fever blisters.

Those with compromised or taxed immune systems will have more frequent herpes outbreaks. After all, thats the reason things like UV light, which affects immunity, and fighting off other illnesses are outbreak triggers at all.

An immune system compromised by receiving chemotherapy can lead to more outbreaks, as can an immune system weakened by HIV.

Foodsto Avoid During A Herpes Outbreak

Foods That Can Trigger Your Herpes Outbreak

In addition,there are a number of foods that people should avoid as well. The virusrequires certain amino acids in order to replicate and build other copies ofthe virus. Specifically, the amino acid arginine has been implicated in thespread of Herpes Simplex Virus. Therefore, people should try to avoidfoods that are high in this amino acid such as rice, peanuts, and chocolate. Onthe other hand, the amino acid lysine has been shown to reduce the severity ofa Herpes Simplex Virus infection. Some people even recommend taking lysinesupplements to reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks.

Read Also: How To Cure Herpes Simplex 1

Best 10 Foods For Combatting Herpes

A healthy diet is crucial for coping with herpes simplex virus . Whether you are infected with oral herpes or genital herpes , you should know what foods to consume in order to manage and overcome the symptoms, and to boost your immune system. Wherein when your immunity weakens, herpes tends to break out and spread. Therefore, let us get to know the best 10 foods for combatting herpes.

2022-04-15 by S. Bell

If you are interested in the diet for herpes sufferers, you can learn about it in this article because I include information about the best and worst foods to eat.

This article is divided into four parts. The first three are dedicated to the foods that you should eat and those that you should not include in your diet according to their lysine and arginine content.

The fourth part contains a group of dietary recommendations that will help you in your diet to avoid herpes outbreaks.

Final notes

What Foods Contain Lysine

Your body doesnt naturally produce lysine, so it must come from your diet or a supplement. Fortunately, lysine is easy to find. The following foods are lysine powerhouses because theyre not only rich in lysine, theyre low in arginine:

  • Legumes such as kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas, and edamame
  • Quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat
  • Spirulina powder

Most people receive enough lysine from their standard diet, but those with ongoing cold sore outbreaks may benefit from additional supplementation.

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What Are The Symptoms

The first symptoms of cold sores may include a spot that tingles, burns, or itches around your mouth and on your lips. You may also have a fever, a sore throat, or swollen glands in your neck or other parts of the body. Small children sometimes drool before cold sores appear. After the blisters appear, the cold sores usually break open, leak a clear fluid, and then crust over and disappear after several days to 2 weeks. For some people, cold sores can be very painful.

Some people have the virus but donât get cold sores. They have no symptoms.

Protecting Your Partner And Preventing Herpes Transmission

Herpes (oral & genital) – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Research shows that the single greatest fear is the fear of transmission to partners, says Dr. Handsfield.

The main ways to avoid transmitting herpes are:

  • Learn to recognize how you feel when an outbreak is on the way, and stop having sex immediately.
  • Dont have sex during active outbreaks.
  • Always use condoms but dont rely on them during outbreaks. They dont completely cover infectious areas.
  • Only after all sores have scabbed over and healed should you have sex again.
  • Avoid touching your herpes sores, because you can spread them to other places on your body that way. Whenever you touch a sore, wash your hands immediately.
  • Dont kiss people or have sex if you have a cold sore.
  • Tell potential partners about having herpes before having sex with them, even though it may be hard.
  • Ask your doctor about taking antiviral drugs regularly.

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Foods Rich In Antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances in certain foods that slow or prevent cellular damage. Antioxidants play a role in healthy immune system function. Foods that are rich in antioxidants include kale and berries.

Vitamin C is one specific antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, bell peppers, and strawberries that may prevent cold sores or treat them. Vitamin C is known to boost your immune function.

What About Diet And Herpes

It’s important to look after yourself when managing herpes. A healthy diet is certainly part of that.

Some people with herpes have found that avoiding foods high in the amino acid Arginine, may reduce recurrences. Higher levels of Arginine are found in foods such as chocolate and many types of nuts. Excessive coffee , red wine and smoking are also triggers for some people. Of course, when anything is done in excess it can be detrimental to our health, but it’s important not to get into majorly restrictive eating. Some people have problematic symptoms even when they seem to be doing all the right things – so don’t beat yourself up.

Maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle makes a difference, but only to a degree. The virus reacts differently in different people’s bodies and some people, even with a great deal of attention to wellbeing, continue to have more recurrences than other people. You may want to consult with a registered dietician, nutritionist or naturopath to ensure that you are maintaining a healthy diet.

When it comes to complementary medicines, Lysine is the most commonly mentioned in relation to treating the herpes simplex virus. Lysine is one of the essential amino acids that the body uses to build proteins. While many people living with herpes find taking Lysine helpful, the consensus in the scientific community is that Lysine supplements do not contribute to reducing the number of recurrences of genital herpes.

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If You Have Symptoms Find Out What Youre Dealing With

With genital herpes, the biggest mistake people make is not seeking medical advice, says Gade.

People often find the signs or symptoms of a first herpes outbreak confusing, says Gade. You may mistake herpes symptoms for those of a yeast infection and try curing that condition on your own. But if your healthcare provider diagnoses you with herpes, the first line of treatment will be antiviral medications.

, you can make matters worse by putting things on the herpes sores that you shouldnt put on the sores, she says. People often try using Vaseline, bacitracin, or Aquaphor to soothe the itchy or painful eruptions.

Honestly, not putting anything on the sores is best, says Gade. Do keep the area clean and dry, though.

Warm compresses applied to tender or painful areas can help. So can sitting in a warm bath, using Epsom salt.

Sometimes people have enormous pain with urination, says Gade. For relief, you can urinate in your bathwater or while taking a shower to dilute the urine stream and lessen the sensation. You can also use warm water in a spray bottle to dilute the stream while youre urinating.

Foods That Lower Your Immune System

Can Foods Cause Herpes Outbreaks?

According to, people with herpes should limit their sugar intake to help reduce the likelihood of an outbreak. Your immune system helps you fight off the virus and keep outbreaks at bay, while sugar suppresses your white blood cells from doing their job as virus killers. Sugar may also lower your immune system by inhibiting your bodys utilization of vitamin C and absorption of B vitamins, which all play a role in immune function.

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Herpes And Moldy Food

Molds and other fungi produce substances called mycotoxins that can weaken the immune system and have other detrimental effects on human health.

Weakening of the immune system is a trigger for herpes outbreaks in people infected with the virus.

For this reason, one way to avoid the harmful effects of mycotoxins in nutrition is to avoid the ingestion of moldy food.

To avoid the ingestion of mycotoxins that could come from the consumption of meat and milk, more than 100 countries have joined the initiative to regulate the limits of mycotoxin content in animal feed.

The FDA has implemented several inspection programs for industries producing animal feed since 1985. Among the products that are subject to inspection are corn, tree nuts, cottonseed and peanuts.

Bread is very prone to mold if you place it in a plastic bag because this type of bag, besides preserving it, contributes to the growth of molds.

Remember that the diet for herpes sufferers has special requirements that, besides helping you avoid outbreaks, will help you to be healthy.

What Are The Symptoms Of Herpes

The hallmark of HSV infection is a blister or cluster of blisters that often feels tingly and itchy at first, becoming sore later, eventually crusting over and disappearing. An initial episode of herpes may produce fever, malaise, and enlargement of local lymph nodes recurrences are usually milder but may begin with a brief period of general malaise. Once you get infected, the virus is with you for life. It lives in nerve cells where the immune system cannot find it, becoming re-activated from time to time. Common triggers of herpes outbreaks are colds and other viral infections, fatigue, sun exposure, physical irritation of the skin, and emotional stress. Some people are bothered by outbreaks once a year or less, while others may get them every few weeks.

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How Is Genital Herpes Treated

Genital herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus . The virus causes an outbreak of blisters which are common herpes symptoms. Treatment is with antiviral medication to help prevent and control outbreaks.

If youre unsure if you have herpes, you can take a genital herpes test at home.

There are 3 main types of treatment for genital herpes:

Aciclovir tablets are used for outbreaks of genital herpes or cold sores to treat the symptoms. They can also be used to prevent outbreaks from happening if you get them often. How much you take and how long you take them for can vary depending on what youre using it for whether youre using it to treat an outbreak or to prevent future outbreaks.

Valaciclovir tablets are known as a pro-drug, which means your body converts it into aciclovir after you take them. Like aciclovir tablets, they can be used to treat symptoms or to prevent outbreaks.

A doctor may prescribe famciclovir tablets if you find that aciclovir or valaciclovir havent worked for you.

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Cold Sore Diet: What Foods To Avoid

An All Natural OTC Topical Product for Genital Herpes Outbreak Symptoms

What are the worst foods for cold sores? Cold sores can be uncomfortable and even painful. Tingling and itching, blisters, oozing and crusting are some symptoms you experience with cold sores.6 When it comes to food, you will want to avoid foods that will cause further discomfort. Acidic foods and drinks can irritate the cold sore womb.7 You may want to avoid items like citrus fruits, tomatoes, juices, and foods with vinegar like salad dressing until your outbreak heals. Stay away from spicy foods, carbonated drinks or any other causes of irritation.

Be careful about foods with L-arginine. Arginine is an essential amino acids that helps your body build protein.8 Foods with arginine include certain types of meat, whole grains, beans and dairy products. According to research, too much arginine may potentially trigger the herpes virus and cause cold sores. 9, 10 Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about foods with arginine.

We hope you found this article about food and sores helpful. Learn more about eating for lip health today.

1. Cold sore Symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic. Accessed 1/5/2021. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.

2. Cold sore Symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic. Accessed 1/5/2021. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.

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How Has My Partner Caught Genital Herpes

If your partner has only just been diagnosed with genital herpes, this does not necessarily mean that they have been unfaithful to you or sexually promiscuous in the past.

  • Your partner may have caught genital herpes from you. You can carry the virus without knowing you have it as some people have no symptoms.
  • It is also possible that your partner caught the virus from a cold sore on your mouth or face during oral sex. You can pass the virus on even if you dont have a cold sore at the time of contact.
  • Your partner may have contracted the virus from a previous sexual partner, even several years ago. The virus can remain inactive in your body for long periods.

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What Are The Best Foods For Cold Sores

Honey, lemon, rhubarb and beyond: many foods are touted for being a cure for cold sores. Unfortunately, there is no magic food you can eat to prevent you from ever developing a cold sore ever again. Likewise, you wont find a food that can make a cold sore disappear immediately. Cold sores are a tricky condition to manage. Sometimes, even with effective treatment, cold sores need additional time to heal.

Luckily, eating a healthy diet can still help support cold sore recovery. As you read above, nutrition helps supports immune health, which in turn can help with cold sore outbreaks. A nutritious diet offers other benefits as well. Eating well can give you energy, improve your mood and help you sleep betterall of which is important when you have cold sore and feel less than 100%.

Some studies report that L-lysine, an amino acid commonly found in food, is an effective treatment for cold sore infections.5 Foods with lysine include chicken, salmon, beans, tofu, and more. You may hear people suggest to eat these foods to get rid of cold sores, but take this advice with a grain of salt. Research is contradictory as to whether or not lysine, either from food or a supplement, can help cold sores. However, talk to your doctor if youre interested in more information. Besides, you may want to eat some of these foods with lysine for nutritional benefits or even great flavorcold sore benefits aside.

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