Sunday, May 19, 2024

Whats The Difference Between Hpv And Herpes

Genital Herpes Vs Genital Warts

Pimple, Ingrown Hair, or Herpes?

Here at The Independent Pharmacy, we offer treatment at competitive prices with fast, secure, and discreet online delivery straight to your door. Herpes and genital warts can be embarrassing to discuss in person, but you must seek treatment if you do begin to notice the key symptoms mentioned below.

Read on to learn more about the differences between genital warts and herpes, how you can protect yourself against them, and what to do if you think you may have contracted one of these viral STIs. Dont suffer in silence order your treatment from The Independent Pharmacy today.

Which Test Should I Ask For

According to the American Sexual Health Association, a culture taken within 48 hours of your first herpes outbreak will yield the most reliable results. A culture retrieved beyond this period or during a later outbreak is more likely to yield a false negative result.

Although the CDC currently does not recommend testing for herpes when there are no symptoms present, blood testing can provide you with an accurate result without the presence of sores. The most accurate blood test detects IgG antibodies of the herpes virus. An antibody is the bodys immune response to the virus, since the virus itself is undetectable in the bloodstream. Antibodies take a longer period of time to develop, so it’s possible for someone to have herpes lesions yet test negative on an IgG blood test. It is recommended that a second test be done 12 weeks after the first outbreak to be sure.

What’s The Difference Between Hpv And Herpes

There are 2 types of the herpes virus. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is most commonly associated with cold sores around the mouth, while herpes simplex virus type 2 is typically associated with genital herpes .

But, in reality, both strains of herpes can cause infections in either body part. And, while you might not like talking about it, it’s important to know that herpes is incredibly common with up to 80% of Australian adults carrying HSV-1 .

Human papillomavirus , on the other hand, has over 200 types. HPV is the most commonly sexually transmitted infection, with a huge chunk of sexually active people becoming infected with at least 1 type of HPV in their lifetime.

Similar to herpes, many people may not realise they are infected with HPV because they never experience any symptoms .

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How Are Hpv And Herpes Transmitted

In saying that, both viruses can also be spread through non-sexual bodily fluids or skin-to-skin contact.

Non-genital HPV, for example, where you may have warts on your hands or knees, can be transmitted by coming into direct contact with someone else’s warts. This is made more likely if you have any cuts or injuries that make your skin more vulnerable .

When it comes to herpes, the virus is most contagious from the fluid shed by blisters. Cold sores may transmit herpes through kissing, or by simply sharing water bottles, cutlery, lip balms or anything else that you touch with the mouth .

And lastly, both HPV and herpes viruses can be transmitted without any active symptoms so the person may not even be experiencing an outbreak but still be able to pass on the virus.

How Are Herpes And Hpv Treated

Differences between HPV and Herpes?

There is no cure for herpes or HPV, although medications and medical procedures can help manage the symptoms. The bodys natural immunity often fights off the HPV virus all on its own. However, herpes is a bit more stubborn and stays in the body forever.

People with genital warts from HPV may be prescribed topical solutions, such as podofilox, sinecatechins, or imiquimod cream. These creams remove visible warts for an improved appearance. Warts may also be removed using cryotherapy or laser treatments.

Antiviral medications can reduce the risk of herpes outbreaks and the severity of symptoms. Some of the most common medications prescribed for herpes include acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir. If youve been previously diagnosed with herpes, Nurx can prescribe genital herpes treatment online and deliver the medication to your door with free shipping. To request herpes treatment from Nurx, get started here. Over-the-counter pain relievers, including paracetamol, Epsom salt baths, and ice packs applied to lesions may also help.

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What Are The Different Types Of Herpes

The herpes simplex viruses that cause cold sores and genital herpes are part of a larger family of viruses, known as herpesviridae. According to the NIH, there are eight known members in this family that commonly infect humans, and close to 100 percent of the adult population is infected with at least one. The five types that cause the most concern are:

1.Herpes simplex virus type 1 HSV-1 is also known as herpes labialis, cold sores, or oral herpes. It is mainly spread through oral-to-oral contract, but in recent years, the NIH notes that there has been a documented rise in the frequency of genital herpes caused by HSV-1. This is likely because of an increase in oral sex, leading to more oral-to-genital contract. Those with HSV-1 who engage in unprotected oral sex with a partner are at risk for spreading the virus.

2.Herpes simplex virus type 2 This type is associated with outbreaks of blisters on the mucosal membrane of the genitals in rare occurrences, HSV-2 has been documented to cause blisters in and around the mouth.

3.Epstein-Barr virus Many people become infected with this virus in childhood, and it is most commonly spread through bodily fluids. This strain is responsible for causing infectious mononucleosis .

4.Cytomegalovirus CMV is a common infection that typically shows no symptoms. It is so common that by age 40, nearly 50 to 80 percent of American adults have a CMV infection.

When To See A Medical Provider

If you think that you have either genital warts or genital herpes, or you are unsure what type of outbreak is affecting your genital area, speak with a healthcare provider.

In many cases, a simple conversation and physical examination can identify the cause of your symptoms.

While there is no cure for HPV or genital herpes, there are OTC and other treatments that may speed the healing time of sores and relieve discomfort.

A healthcare provider is also available to answer questions you have as well as to offer tips for minimizing risks of sexual disease or infection transmission.

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Treating The Symptoms Of Herpes

Theres currently no cure for herpes, but there are treatments that can reduce the symptoms and make it less likely to transmit the virus to a sex partner.

Antiviral medications are prescribed to help clear up symptoms or reduce the frequency of outbreaks. Some antivirals that may be prescribed include:

How Do You Get Herpes

Viruses – Part 2: DNA vs. RNA Viruses

The skin on your genitals, mouth, and eyes can be infected easily. Other areas of skin may get infected if theres a way for the herpes virus to get in, like through a cut, burn, rash, or other sores. You dont have to have sex to get herpes. Sometimes herpes can be passed in non-sexual ways, like if a parent with a cold sore gives you a peck on the lips. Most people with oral herpes got it when they were kids. A mother can pass genital herpes to a baby during vaginal childbirth, but thats pretty rare.

You can spread herpes to other parts of your body if you touch a herpes sore and then touch your mouth, genitals, or eyes without washing your hands first. You can also pass herpes to someone else this way.

Herpes is most contagious when sores are open and wet, because fluid from herpes blisters easily spreads the virus. But herpes can also shed and get passed to others when there are no sores and your skin looks totally normal.

Most people get herpes from someone who doesnt have any sores. It may live in your body for years without causing any symptoms, so its really hard to know for sure when and how you got it. Thats why so many people have herpes its a pretty sneaky infection.

Because the virus dies quickly outside the body, you cant get herpes from hugging, holding hands, coughing, sneezing, or sitting on toilet seats.

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Cost Of Herpes And Hpv Testing In The Us

Herpes test cost ranges between $55 and $79 and HPV STD testing costs around $79 in different labs and facilities across the U.S.

No prior appointment is required. Compare the price, order your test online and visit the nearest lab during lab business hours. Complete the procedure and get the results in your email in 2 to 3 business days. Doctor consultation is also available for further treatment or any kind of medical advice.

Is Herpes The Same As Hpv

Everything you need to know about these common viruses.

HPV and herpes are often confused with one another, and to be fair, they do share a lot of similarities.

Both are viruses that cause common sexually transmitted infections, yet they can also be passed on without being sexually active. Both can cause genital lesions, although many people with either virus may never experience symptoms at all.

And, even though you might not hear many people you know talk about it, both HPV and herpes are extremely common.

To bring you up to speed on the differences between these 2 viruses, we’ve created this handy guide on what to look out for and how to treat HPV and herpes.

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Oral Herpes Vs Oral Hpv

Oral STDs are commonly reported by individuals who perform oral sex. Oral Herpes and Oral HPV are likely to occur if you had oral sex with an infected person, this accounts for both giving and receiving.

The symptoms appear around the lips, mouth, and throat. In the case of oral herpes symptoms include painful, fluid-filled blisters on the lips or under the nose and cold sores or fever blisters on or around the mouth. On the other hand, oral HPV is identified by warts growing individually or in groups around the oral cavity. Read more about Oral HPV here.

How To Prevent Hpv

Genital Warts vs Genital Herpes: How to Spot the Difference  Luminance Red

To prevent HPV infection:

  • Get vaccinated the HPV vaccine is readily available through the NHS. As a bonus, this vaccine will also protect against certain types of cancer caused by the Human Papillomavirus.
  • Practice safe sex and always use condoms, especially with new partners. For women engaging in sex with other women, wear a soft polyurethane or latex square to protect your vulva when rubbing your vulva against your partner’s vulva. Avoid sharing sex toys.
  • Avoid sexual contact with anyone who you believe to be infected with HPV this is the only surefire way to prevent infection.

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Hpv Vs Herpes: Differences Symptoms Treatment And Prevention

Human papillomavirus and herpes are both common sexually transmitted viruses. They can have similar symptoms, and many people are unsure whether they have HPV, herpes, or both. The best and most accurate way to know for sure issame-day STD testing by a reliable test center like Rapid STD Testing.

What should you know about HPV vs. herpes? HPV is so prevalent that anyone who is sexually active will almost certainly contract it at least once in their lifetime. Genital herpes is less widespread, affecting approximatelyone out of six people aged 14-49 in the United States.

Study Area And Participants

This cross-sectional study was carried out between May 2017 and August 2018 during a free screening programme. Using the convenience sampling technique, this study included active commercial sex workers living in selected brothels in Abeokuta and Ilishan-Remo communities. Interested participants visited the family planning clinic at their own expense. Sex workers who voluntarily visited the family planning clinic were selected by researchers based on the description provided by the reports of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United Nations for AIDS and World Health Organization.7,8 The demographics were collected using an interview-based questionnaire. Inclusion criteria included being a self-proclaimed direct and sexually active female sex workers aged 1854 years. Individuals with any history of cervical, breast and oral cancers or those that are transgender or below 18 years or above 54 years were excluded.

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Risk Factors & Prevention

  • All sexually active individuals are at risk of contracting both HPV and herpes.
  • While HPV has a vaccine for prevention, herpes does not.
  • Individuals that have unprotected sex with multiple partners are at a higher risk of contracting these diseases.
  • It is also important to note that these conditions can pose a greater risk to people with debilitated health, weak immune systems, and those on immunosuppressant medications.
  • Since both conditions can spread even without the appearance of symptoms, safe sex is one of the primary factors in the prevention of these conditions.
  • The usage of condoms and dental dams can greatly reduce the risk of spread through the sexual route.
  • If you develop symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor and get tested or examined.
  • Inform your sexual partners if you are diagnosed with either HPV or herpes.

Who’s At Risk For Stds

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Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for an STD, regardless of gender, race, social class, or sexual orientation. That said, teenagers and young adults acquire STDs more easily than older people. By age 25, half of sexually active adults get an STD. Having multiple sex partners also raises the risk. The CDC has noted that some STDs are on the rise in men who have sex with men, including syphilis and LGV.

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Genital Warts Vs Herpes: Difference Causes & Treatments

Getting a wart or sore in your genital area can be uncomfortable, but there are ways to deal with it.

Understanding the differences between types of genital sores or sexually transmitted infection outbreaks can help you get proper medical care and effective treatment.

This article explores the difference between genital warts and genital herpes, including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Sample Collection And Handling

The majority of samples were taken at the Family Planning Unit, State Hospital Ijaiye, Abeokuta and the Phlebotomy Unit, Babcock University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, by nurses and researchers. Some samples were collected at the brothels only on the insistence of concerned participants. All samples were collected according to the standard operating procedure of the hospitals. Participants were screened for cervical cancer using liquid base preparation and Papanicolaou techniques. Smears were taken by nurses and clinicians and evaluated by two cytopathologists. Five millilitres of peripheral blood was drawn between the hours of 09:00 and 10:00, from each participant, by Medical Laboratory Scientists 3 mL was drawn into an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid vacutainer tube for CD4+ T-cell counts and 2 mL was drawn into a plain tube for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay . Samples taken at the Abeokuta collection centre were transported to the Chemical Pathology Unit, Babcock University Teaching Hospital, in a specimen transport cooler containing some ice packs. All samples were analysed at the Chemical Pathology Unit, Babcock University Teaching Hospital. After allowing the blood in the plain tube to stand for not more than 2 h, clear serum was separated into another plain tube and stored at 20 °C until analysed. CD4+ T-cell counts and Pap smears were investigated daily while other test were carried out at intervals .

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Is Hpv Herpes Reasons Why People Can Get Confused

HPV or genital warts vs. herpes: the two are entirely different viruses. HPV is the human papillomavirus, which encompasses over 100 different strains, while genital herpes results from either the HSV-1 or the HSV-2 strains of the herpes simplex virus.

Both HPV and herpes can cause genital lesions. HPV usually presents as genital warts, while genital herpes lesions typically appear as red, sometimes oozing bumps or blisters. However, often both HPV and herpes have no symptoms at all. It is possible to contract HPV, herpes, or both and never realize it.

HPV and herpes are also both consideredSTDs with no cure. Fortunately, HPV disappears on its own in most cases, though some rare strains may cause cancer. Herpes will stay in your system for the rest of your life, but with some luck and proper management, outbreaks may be rare and mild.

Genital Warts Vs Herpes

Differences between HPV and Herpes?

Now letâs compare and contrast these two viruses and their symptoms and course of treatments.

âGenital Warts vs. Genital Herpes:


GH: Herpes simplex virus type 2

GW: Sexual contact with someone with the virus.

GH: Sexual contact with someone with the virus.

âBehavioral differences

GW: Warts generally do not clear on their own. Removal or spot treatment is needed to remove.

GH: Appear as a series of breakouts that flare up, heal, and possibly reappear. Reoccurrence is known as flare-ups.


GW: Wart removal or topical wart treatment.

GH: Medication to shorten outbreaks.


GW: Labeled as a transient infection, the body will often clear the virus within 1 to 2 years. In some rarer cases, however, the infection can be persistent and long-term. This is a cause for concern as it may lead to cancer.HSV1 and HSV2 infections are lifelong.

GH: There is no known cure for herpes. The outbreaks can be managed with medications.

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