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Ingrown Hairs On Vag Vs Herpes

You Asked We Answered: What Are The Differences Between Genital Herpes And An Ingrown Hair

Pimple, Ingrown Hair, or Herpes?
Answered by Kay Elting, APRN

This can be a tricky question and confusing at times, so lets try to break it down. Both can start with redness, itching or burning sensations and can occur almost anywhere on the body. If this is in an area that you shave or have hair removal, it can be from a hair follicle that becomes inflamed, and this can be from bacteria, fungus or a virus. When this develops in the genital area, it can be more concerning, especially if you have had a new partner or did not use protection.

Typically,ingrown hair can come from an infected hair follicle. It may be reddened, raised, warm to the touch or look like pimples on the skin and you may notice a hair at the center of the area. This can be common from shaving or products used to shave soap or cream. We advise using a clean washcloth with warm water to apply to the area several times daily and do not shave until healed or you could irritate the skin more or spread the infection.

If you are experiencing any pain or burning in the genital area, we encourage you to come to the health center for an examination and discuss your symptoms with a provider. Testing can be completed to determine the cause of your symptoms, and treatment ordered if needed.

Sores Disappear And Reappear

About 50% of people with genital herpes experience recurring symptoms after their first outbreak. These recurrences are known as outbreaks, and they last up to 10 days each. The herpes virus is highly contagious during this period.

Its hard to predict how frequently genital herpes will recur, but there are steps you can take to prevent outbreaks through healthy eating, medication, and lifestyle choices. The good news is that recurrent outbreaks are often less painful, shorter, and easier to manage. Many people also experience a decrease in outbreak frequency after the first year of herpes simplex virus infection.

Testing For Herpes: Why Early Detection And Treatment Matters

Distinguishing between ingrown hair vs. herpes can be tricky, especially if you dont have a medical degree. Early detection allows you to get the treatment you need so that you can move forward with your life. If your rapid herpes test comes back positive, you should alert your sexual partners.

Leaving herpes untreated can lead to complications if you do not receive proper treatment. For example, the virus may increase your chances of contracting other sexually transmitted infections. That includes pregnant mothers exposing their unborn child to herpes while giving birth.

Some people experience severe bladder problems after contracting herpes. The virus causes inflammation in the urethra, making it challenging to urinate. Individuals may need a catheter to reopen their blocked urethra.

Same-day testing for herpes allows you to stay ahead of the curve. You can take preventive measures, such as using a latex condom during intercourse, to avoid spreading the infection. Doctors may recommend pregnant women antiviral treatments to circumvent an outbreak during delivery.

The herpes virus has an incubation period of two to 12 days. If you notice genital bumps that last for more than a week, consider contacting a healthcare specialist. You can also find same-day STD testing nearby on our website.

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Herpes Or Ingrown Hair How To Tell The Difference

Medically reviewed by Patrick Carroll, MD

Men are careful about our genitals. We wash and groom ourselves regularly, and we’re always looking to make sure things down there are in proper order. Plus, it’s not like you haven’t spent a long time with the ol’ twig and berries it’s almost like weve been friends with them our whole lives.

Jokes aside, the point we’re trying to make is: you know every single detail of your genitals and the area around them. Every follicle, every wrinkle, every curve. And when something is amiss, you notice it immediately. And when it comes to our genitals, any change to the norm is enough to induce a heart attack. So, chances are you’re here because something down there is out of order, and you’re wondering: Herpes or ingrown hair?

Well, luckily, telling the difference is pretty simple if you know what to look for.

Ingrown hairs are a common annoyance that can affect anyone who shaves or waxes their body hair. They can itch and form a reddish bump and, if infected due to folliculitis, cause a significant amount of discomfort.

When an ingrown hair becomes infected, its quite common for a pustule to form around the hair follicle. Since these pustules often contain fluid and crust over during the process of healing, its easy to confuse them with the sores that can develop during a herpes outbreak.

Other Possible Causes Of Skin Rashes And Outbreaks

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So far, weve discussed symptoms of ingrown hairs and herpes virus infections.

But, there are other potential causes of sores or outbreaks in or around the genitals.

  • Jock itch, ringworm, or other fungal infections

Both ingrown hairs and herpes blisters can be uncomfortable.

Even though the sores may appear similar, they each require a different treatment.

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How Many Americans Currently Have Herpes

Theres no need to panic even if you cant figure out whats going on by yourself. Herpes and ingrown hairs are easily confused, but you dont have to figure out which youre dealing with on your own. A healthcare professional can identify whats causing your rash or blisters and can discuss treatment options with you, no matter the diagnosis.

What Can Cause Ingrown Pubic Hairs

A few factors influence whether you develop ingrown pubic hairs. Tight, curly hair, for example, is more likely to become ingrown than other types of hair. Poor shaving technique may also cause ingrown pubic hairs, especially if you use a dull razor or pull your skin taut while you shave. Be sure to shave in the direction of hair growth and rinse the blade after each stroke for best results.

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Genital Pimples Vs Herpes: What You Should Know

7/8/2022 10:54:00 PM

While pimples are the results of bacterial colonization of pores clogged with dirt, grime, oil, and dead skin cells, herpes, on the other hand, is a sexually transmitted viral infection. The latter is among the most common sexually transmitted infections across the world, with over 500 million people suffering from genital herpes. Pimples, though common, occur due to several factors impacted by hygiene, environment, and hormonal balance. So how does one tell the difference between genital pimples vs. herpes?

Do Ingrown Hairs Result In Any Long

How Ingrown Hairs Are Removed | Art Insider

While hair texture or sub-par shaving tools may increase the risk of getting an ingrown hair, you most likely wonât experience any long-term side effects after it heals .

Like acne and other skin infections, ingrown hairs can leave a scar, especially if you do the following:

  • Frequently touch the wound with unwashed hands
  • Unsuccessfully try to extract the hair
  • Continue to shave the area while itâs trying to heal

If left alone, the swelling, hyperpigmentation, and the ingrown hair itself will usually heal on its own. While you can remove the affected hair with tools like blackhead extractors or tweezers, this is a job best managed by a healthcare providerâideally, a dermatologist.

You can also use a variety of over-the-counter products to prevent or heal scarring, like Allantoin gel . While the scars may appear unsightly early in the healing process, the skin will return to its normal pigmentation over time.

When dealing with ingrown hairs, pack your patienceâwhile you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen to manage minor pain, they wonât heal the infection any faster. And, as always, if your ingrown takes an inordinately long time to healâmore than two monthsâseek an examination from a healthcare provider.

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Vaginal Herpes Vs Ingrown Hair

If youve been experiencing symptoms of an ingrown hair or genital herpes and are concerned about your diagnosis, it is best to get professional help. Your doctor can assist with the proper testing and treatment options.

Medically Reviewed byGill Sellick, MBChBonAugust 1, 2022

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Genital Warts Or Ingrown Hair: How To Tell The Difference

If you shave your pubic area, you increase the risk of getting ingrown hairs hairs that have curled around and grown back into the skin.

Ingrown hairs are usually red, raised, and painful similar to a spot or a pimple. Sometimes they can be itchy too, which is why people might mistake them for genital warts.

However, genital warts look very different to an ingrown hair. Genital warts are flesh-coloured and normally have a ‘cauliflower-like’ appearance.

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Ingrown Hair Vs Herpes: Key Differences

Letâs review some key differences between ingrown hair vs. herpes infections:

  • While ingrown hairs arenât contagious, both HSV-1 and HSV-2 are highly transmissible via skin-to-skin contact and fluid exchange between an infected person and an uninfected person.
  • While ingrown hairs can take a month or more to heal, herpes warts may only take one to two weeks to disappear . But herpes infections are very likely to recur throughout your life.
  • An ingrown hair is not an STD, while both HSV-1 and 2 are classified as STDs despite their common exchange via non-sexual contact.

Now that you know some differences between ingrown hair bumps and herpes bumps, you are more aware of what you may be experiencing. If you experience herpes symptoms, it’s highly recommended to get tested and seek care.

Can Genital Warts Come Back

Infected/ingrown hairs or herpes..?

Some people may only ever get one episode of genital warts. However, for many others, genital warts will come back.

Treatments for genital warts can remove the warts themselves, but not the virus that causes them. This means that while HPV is in your system, its possible youll develop genital warts again.

Theres no cure for HPV, although your body may remove the virus by itself in time if this were to happen, you would no longer be at risk of getting genital warts.

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How Do People Develop Herpes Infections

The two causes of genital herpesâHSV-1 and HSV-2âarenât necessarily spread via sexual activity, but the skin-to-skin and saliva contact involved in common sexual activities often results in infection.

While both HSV infections can cause genital herpes, they have some key differences :

  • HSV-1 is the most common cause of oral herpes, which usually presents as cold sores on or inside the mouth. But infected people can spread HSV-1 via oral sex, sometimes causing genital HSV-1 infection.
  • HSV-2 is spread via skin-to-skin and/or fluid contact, most commonly during sex. But, like HSV-1, it can be spread via oral sex, resulting in an outbreak in the facial area.

You can contract either HSV type via:

Body fluid exchange with an infected person, including â

Skin-to-skin contact during â

  • Non-penetrative sex

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot contract either HSV type from:

  • Touching objects like silverware or soap

The key element of understanding herpes contraction is that herpes spreads via human-human contact, not human-object contact.

Sti Symptoms You Cant Ignore

The good news? Most of the time abnormal discharge, vaginal itchiness or a slight irritation is no major cause for concern. However, its always worth having it checked by your OB/GYN in case there is something more to it.

The not-so-good news? Some of the most common symptoms of sexually transmitted infections or STI are similar to more harmless conditions. For example, you may mistake a small lesion as an in-grown hair. Or you may chalk up vaginal itch and excess discharge as a yeast infection, when its actually a symptom of something much more serious.

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Symptoms Of Ingrown Hairs

Many men are concerned about hair loss, but also, many prefer to have less public hair. Common symptoms of ingrown hairs include:

  • Isolated small red bumps, sometimes with pus-filled heads
  • Itchiness and inflammation
  • Tenderness around bumps
  • White pus when popped

Sometimes ingrown hairs are also called razor bumps due to their occurrence after hair removal, which many men do due to concerns about hair and appearance.

When you look at ingrown hair closely, you may notice a thin black line, which is the hair causing the sore. However, this is not always the case.

Ingrown Hairs Vs Herpes

Ingrown Hairs – are they Bikini Bumps or Acne?

Ingrown hairs vs. herpes are two common causes of skin bumps, but theyre completely different conditions. They both affect numerous people everyday, but whereas one of them is a simple, non-transmissible skin infection, the other is a sexually transmitted infection that can be passed onto other people.

Lets discuss the similarities and differences of ingrown hairs vs. herpes and how to tell them apart.

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Ingrown Hair Vs Herpes: The Facts

Herpes is known to manifest in two general forms: oral herpes and genital herpes. Either of which can be caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 .” rel=”nofollow”> HSV-1 and HSV-2). Herpes is one of the most widespread sexually transmitted infections out there, affecting two in every three people under 50 globally. With that being said, it wouldnt be much of a surprise if you contract it if youre sexually active.

Ingrown hairs are bumps on your skin that form mainly after shaving or waxing hair. Hair will normally grow up and out of the hair follicle, but sometimes, it can curl into it, causing it to grow under the skin. When hair grows into the follicle, it can cause irritation and inflammation, causing the skin above it to become red and bumpy. Unlike herpes, anyone can get ingrown hairs, although it affects those who regularly remove their hair more than those who dont.

While they can appear somewhat similar, here are some of the telltale differences when it comes to ingrown hairs and herpes.

Get A Herpes Test At A Rapid Std Testing Center Near You

If youre wondering how to test for herpes, youve come to the right place. Rapid STD Testing has testing centers across the country. All you have to do is enter your zip code under Find a Lab, and we will connect you with the nearest testing location.

We offer fast and hassle-free STD testing for various sexually transmitted infections, including herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. At Rapid STD Testing, we strive to deliver the highest quality service to our patients, giving them the peace of mind they need on their journey to recovery. That includes same-day results and 100% confidentiality.

Rapid STD Testing has the tools and services you need, no matter your situation. We offer packages that let you test for one or more STDs, plus testing for couples. Make an appointment online and get your herpes test in no time.

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What Is An Ingrown Hair Exactly

An ingrown hair happens when a hair grows back into the skin, instead of out of it, according to the Mayo Clinic. When this happens, the way the hair gets lodged in the skin can lead to inflammation and a red bump in the area where the hair was removed.

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Dr. Dweck says ingrown hairs are super common among patients who prefer to shave. With shaving or hair removal, theres a teeny possibility that you can get an infection in the hair follicle,” Dr. Dweck says. And this infection causes the hair not to grow out of the skin, but backwards inside the follicle.

According to a JAMA Dermatology study surveying 3,316 women, 84 percent reported they engage in some form of pubic hair removal via scissor, razor, wax, tweezer, laser, or electrolysis. So, yeah, you can imagine that you’re *not* alone in dealing with this issue.

What Does An Ingrown Pubic Hair Look And Feel Like

White Pimples On Vag Lips

Yes, ingrown hairs often get confused with warts and herpes. So before you jump to the worst possible conclusion, here’s how to ID an ingrown hair.

When an ingrown hair forms, a red bump usually appears along with some slight discomfort. But it’s nothing too serious and shouldn’t be causing you any severe pain. You’ll usually feel pressure in the area, similar to a pimple, Dr. Dweck says. If you shave and then in first 12 or 24 hours youve got bumps all over that area, Dr. Dweck says, those are likely ingrown hairs.

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Herpes, on the other hand, is very painful . “Its a raised, sort of blistery type of lesion that has a red base and hurts like crazy, especially if its the first time youre getting one,” Dr. Dweck says. A herpes lesion can also feel tingly at times because it could be irritating your nerves.

Another case of mistaken identity? Warts. Warts have a very distinct appearance, though, Dr. Dweck says. “Theyre raised, they typically dont itch or hurt, they dont bleed and they a cauliflower type of appearance where theyre sort of corrugated a bit.”

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How Ingrown Hairs Develop

Ingrown hairs develop when hair grows crooked or curls inside the skin before breaching the top-most layer of our skin . The hair gets stuck under the epidermis, causing the skin to become infected and inflamed.

Just about everyone who shaves their facial or body hair will experience ingrown hairs at some point in life. Some people get ingrown hairs more frequently than others, either due to a genetic factor or because of their shaving or waxing technique.

Most ingrown hairs are harmless, causing little more than a reddish bump and minor discomfort. Some people have a more severe reaction to ingrown hairs and develop painful, itchy razor burn that can only be treated by changing their shaving habits.

Ingrown hairs can usually be removed using tweezers, treated using glycolic acid or simply left to heal on their own.

However, since the pimples that can develop around ingrown hairs are exposed to air, sweat and other substances, they can easily become infected. When ingrown hairs become infected, its normal for them to develop into painful sores that can resemble a herpes outbreak.

When you develop an infected ingrown hair, its part of a condition called folliculitis. Folliculitis generally includes a bacteria most commonly staphylococcus aureus which enters into the hair follicle through the small pimple that can develop around an ingrown hair.

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