Thursday, July 25, 2024

Red Marine Algae Herpes Reviews

How Can Red Algae Help Cold Sores And Herpes

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When it comes to the Herpes Simplex Virus , laboratory studies have shown benefit there too. HSV is highly prolific, common, and easily transmissible human virus that can cause cold sores as well as genital herpes . Since it effects so many people, and because it is so contagious , any substance that has the potential to modify its life cycle will be of interest. SPs are one such group of substances.

SPs from red algae appear to be have multiple mechanisms against viruses such as HSV:

  • They can have a direct virucidal action, meaning they may damage the virus itself
  • Inhibit the viruss ability to enter healthy cells
  • Inhibit its ability to replicate
  • Improve the host immune response

As more and more research is being conducted on these impressive compounds from algae, it will not be surprising to see further benefits being uncovered. The seaweeds themselves are considered safe, as many of them are consumed by humans as part of traditional diets, and the SPs themselves appear to have an excellent safety profile.

Macrocystis Pyrifera And Durvillaea Antarctica Aqueous Extracts Interfere With The Replication Cycle Of Hsv

In this study, we evaluated the potential antiviral activity of aqueous extracts obtained from two brown macroalgae, namely M. pyrifera and D. antarctica, against HSV-1 and HSV-2 both, in vitro and in vivo. Because aqueous extracts of M. pyrifera and D. antarctica have gel-like consistencies that make their manipulation challenging and the preparation of precise dilutions difficult, we removed the carbohydrate polymers in the extracts by ethanol precipitation. Then, before assessing the potential antiviral effects of these extracts, we assessed if these preparations were toxic or not for the cell cultures and determined the maximum non-toxic dose , as well as the 50% cytotoxic concentration starting with a concentration of 125 mg/ml and 2-fold serial dilutions. The CC50 is defined as the concentration of alga extract that causes a reduction in 50% of the cell viability. As shown in Figures 1AD, the MNTD for the M. pyrifera and D. antarctica extracts was 15.6 and 3.9 mg/ml in HeLa cells and 1.95 mg/ml in primary cultures of fibroblasts for both extracts. The CC50 values for the M. pyrifera and D. antarctica extracts were 18.2 and 17.2 mg/ml in HeLa cells and 9.2 and 24.9 mg/ml in primary cultures of fibroblasts .

How Does Red Marine Algae Work

Red Marine Algae is a superfood that has been used for centuries in Asian medicine. It is a type of seaweed that contains high levels of iodine, iron, and magnesium. It is also a good source of vitamins A, B, C, and E. Red Marine Algae has been shown to boost the immune system, improve circulation, and increase energy levels.

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Antiviral Properties Of Gigartina Red Marine Algae

The antiviral compounds of gigartina red marine algae have been known for many years, giving way for it to be labelled as a therapeutic food.

Carrageenans, a family of polysaccharides abundant in gigartina, help prevent a wide range of diseases by ramping up interferon production in the immune system.

They work by signalling to your immune system when germs enter the body and in turn, immune cells are triggered to fight those foreign invaders.

Interferons got their name because they interfere with viruses and keep them from multiplying.

Carrageenans also increase the productivity of T and B-cells which destroy cells already infected with a virus. Because of this, red marine algae is considered by some to be a powerful preventative measure against everything from yeast infections and shingles to serious viruses like HPV and Epstein-Barr.

Ingredients Of Red Marine Algae

Gigartina Red Marine Algae Herpes

Red Marine Algae is an extract of a natural algae from the phylum Rhodophyta. It is one of the largest groups of algae in the world growing in shallow waters. Red algae has a vivid color and delicate leaf structure. This plant has been traditionally used in Asian cuisine for many years. It is interesting to know that red algae is a natural source of the carotenoid pigment astaxanthin. It is known for containing carrageenan, a type of natural carbohydrate . This substance is often used as a gelling agent or a thickener in baked goods.

Other ingredients in the product include Gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable stearic acid, and vegetable magnesium stearate. As you can see, this supplement contains some chemical ingredients. Besides, the dosage of Red Marine Algae in the product is not listed, so it is difficult to say whether it will work effectively. Let us have a look at possible side effects which can be caused by the supplement.

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Inhibition Of Virus Attachment

The antiviral effects of the polysaccharides observed in the plaque reduction assay with pretreatment did not appear to be related to the virucidal activity of the extracts because they were not present during the adsorption phase of the infection. To further characterize the effects of the polysaccharides, a subset of the extracts was evaluated for their ability to inhibit attachment of HSV-2 to the host cells and was similar to methods reported previously, but the extracts were removed prior to infection . Data from plaque reduction assays with pretreatment showed that the extracts could be removed prior to infection without diminishing activity, and thus this assay could distinguish inhibition of attachment from direct virucidal effects. Each of the polysaccharides tested exhibited good activity in this assay and three of the samples were more effective than the dextran sulfate positive control . The efficacy of dextran sulfate in this assay was also similar to that reported previously and confirmed that results from the assay were accurate . These results indicated that the extracts can interfere with the adsorption of the virus to the monolayers, and that the polysaccharides appeared to interact stably with the cell substrate.

Why Use Red Marine Algae For Herpes

Red Algae is a popular herpes supplement to prevent and treat the symptoms of oral herpes and genital herpes . Here are its health properties:

Antiviral Properties: Some types of red marine algae have been shown in lab studies to have antiviral properties. This means they can suppress the herpes virus and potentially prevent outbreaks. When a substance is called antiviral, it generally means it can reduce a patients viral load, or amount of the virus in the body at a given time.

Immunity Booster: Red Marine Algae is also known for being an immune system booster. When your immune system is strong, you are less likely to experience a herpes outbreak. Even stress is known to make carriers susceptible to an outbreak specifically because stress weakens the immune system. Do what you can to keep your immune system running well, health supplements being one way to do so.

Scientific Studies:

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Conclusions And Future Perspectives

Infectious diseases caused by RNA viruses have been a serious threat to global health for years. Currently, the SARS-CoV-2 virus menaces the entire world with the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite vaccination, novel therapeutic strategies are still needed to maintain human health. Algae contain several bioactive metabolites, such as sulfated polysaccharides, polyphenols, and lectins, which possess robust antiviral activity and immunostimulating effects. In this regard, the bioactive metabolites of marine algae could represent a promising alternative to fight COVID-In addition, marine algae are rich in antioxidant molecules that could help to reduce the oxidative stress associated with the infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 . These bioactive metabolites have been also evaluated and exploited as microbiota-based therapeutic agents and immunomodulators, which can also enhance treatment against SARS-CoV-2.

With these premises, algal metabolites could be an ideal candidate for preliminary treatment, in conjunction with other pharmacological therapies, of COVID-19.

Although the seaweed aquaculture and the extraction process should be optimized, the availability of algal biomolecules represents a cost-effective and ecologically benign approach. Furthermore, exploitation of nanoformulations could significantly lower the amount of active principal ingredient required for treatment.

Can Red Marine Algae Help With Shingles Eczema Or Cold Sores

Astaxanthin 60 Capsules

Records indicate that red marine algae, a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back to approximately 300 B.C. As is the case with many such products it was recommended for a variety of conditions but modern science does support a possible role in the treatment of viral infections such as those caused by the Herpes Simplex VirusType I . In other words, cold sores.

Herpes is a group of viral disease caused by the herpes viruses. Most of the time, individuals are unaware that they are infected since it is common to not experience symptoms. The virus lies dormant in the body until an outbreak is triggered by some sort of stress. Since there is no cure for herpes, attempts have focused on treatments to inactive the virus or to decrease infection recurrence.

One study along these lines, undertaken in 2009 in New Zealand, confirmed the strong link between red marine algae and virus inactivation. Various extracts of different types of algae were tested. Among those tested against HSV-1 and HSV-2 was that of Gigartina atropurpurea, a type of red marine algae. The algae extracts demonstrated activity during the first hour of viral infection. However, the algae extracts were ineffective if added later. Nonetheless, after various assays, it was determined that at low concentrations the extracts were active and had potent virucidal activity. Further investigation to prevent HSV infection in humans was indicated.

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Cytopathic Effect Reduction Assay

The assessment of antiviral activity using CPE reduction assays was performed as described previously . Briefly, HFF cells were seeded in 96-well plates at a concentration of 2.5×104 cells/well and incubated at 37°C in a humidified 5% CO2 incubator for 24 h. After incubation, the medium was removed and 125 l of the extracts were added to the first row in triplicate wells and all other wells contained 100 l of growth media. Five-fold serial dilutions were then performed in the plate with a BioMek 2000 liquid handling machine. Cells were then infected with 100 l of a virus suspension containing 1000 plaque forming units /ml of either HSV-1 or HSV-2 and the plates were incubated at 37°C for 4 days. Monolayers were stained with a 0.1% crystal violet solution and the optical densities were measured on a BioTek microplate reader at 630 nm.

Pure Planet Red Marine Algae Plus Reviews

Reviews indicate that this product is everything you could want from a herpes treatment. Long term sufferers dont need to worry about stress causing their outbreaks anymore. It also works at preventing cold sores that seem to develop frequently for some people. The quality of the ingredients and the effectiveness of the product are shown in the high ratings across the boards. There are very few poor ratings for Red Marine Algae Plus which indicates it works with at least fair results for most people. It also not only treats an outbreak but works hard to prevent them and keep you feeling your best at all times. Anxiety sufferers seemed to report the most benefit from the product as it seems to help you handle and ride lifes stressful situations without making them worse.

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Ial Hydrolysis Of Galactofucan Sulfate And Determination Of The Molecular Weight

A 100 ml aqueous solution of GFS was hydrolyzed using NaHSO4 and stirred at 20°C for 20 min, then heated to 47°C and held at this temperature for 219 min with continuous stirring. After this time, the reaction mixture was cooled on ice, neutralized with 2.5 M NaOH and diluted to 50 mg/ml. The solution was then heated to 65°C with continuous stirring. The solution was then removed from the heat source and left to cool to 20°C. The solution was centrifuged at 7000 g for 30 min and the supernatant was decanted, dialyzed and lyophilized.

The molecular weights of the galactofucan sulfate and the partially hydrolyzed material were determined by high performance size-exclusion chromatography coupled with multi-angle laser light scattering . The SEC-MALLS system consisted of a Waters 2690 Alliance separation module, a Waters 490E programmable multi-wavelength detector set at 280 nm, a DAWN-EOS multi-angle laser light scattering detector with a laser at 690 nm and a Waters 2410 refractive index monitor. Samples were heated and then stirred at room temperature for 24 h. Samples were centrifuged before injection and eluted with 0.1 M LiNO3 containing 0.02% NaN3 from two columns connected in series at 60°C. Data for molecular weight determinations were analysed using ASTRA software and a dn/dc of 0.145 ml/g. The molecular weight of the partially hydrolyzed extract was also estimated by comparison of peak elution positions with pullulan standards .

Red Marine Algae Testimonial

Gigartina Red Marine Algae Ointment by Vibrant Health

“After doing some research about the use of Red Marine Algae in preventing cold sores as well as some research about the quality of different brands, I bought this product. I have been quite pleased with it so far . I have not had any cold sores since I started using it, even when eating chocolate and other things that tend to trigger an outbreak. I can’t guarantee that this is why, but I tend to think that it’s played a role. The research out there is pretty convincing and from what I can tell this brand is particularly good. I would definitely recommend it to others who have been having difficulty controlling cold sore outbreaks.”

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Plaque Reduction Assay With Pretreatment

Plaque reduction assays using a pretreatment protocol were conducted by similar methods to the plaque reduction assays described above except that the test extract dilutions were incubated with the cell monolayers prior to infection. The medium was aspirated from the wells of 6-well plates containing monolayers of HFF cells and the extract dilutions in growth medium with 2% FBS were added to the appropriate wells. The plates were incubated for 1 h, and then the drug dilutions were aspirated from the wells and the monolayers were rinsed with phosphate-buffered saline solution prior to infection with 20-30 PFU of the virus. The virus was allowed to adsorb for 1 h at 37°C then extract dilutions were added again to each well and the infected monolayers incubated for 3 days. Plaque numbers were counted as described above and EC50 values were calculated.

Gigartina Red Marine Algae For Treating Herpes And Epstein Barr

The high concentration of sulfated polysaccharides found in gigartina are potent inhibitors for the herpes simplex virus. They help our immune systems to combat free radical damage which may suppress the herpes virus in the initial stages of a flare-up, and increase the length of time between outbreaks.

Human clinical trials recorded in the National Institutes of Health database indicate the sulfated polysaccharides in gigartina may help counter oral and genital herpes, shingles, HIV, influenza, and other viruses. Regular intake may reduce the number of viral attacks and their severity.

Epstein-Barr virus is a herpes virus that infects 90% of the adult human population. Both the microalgae and macroalgae are potential sources of antiviral compounds, with sulfated polysaccharides again being the major active principles.

Its also important to note that the human body can develop resistance to specific antiviral drugs prescribed by a doctor. This has led many people suffering from HPV, HSV, and other viruses to supplement with red marine algaean entirely natural product.

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Therapeutic Potential Of The Algae Extracts Assessed In An Hsv

Figure 9. Therapeutic effect of the M. pyrifera and D. antarctica algae extracts in an HSV-1 skin infection model. Mice were infected with HSV-1 in the flank skin and treated 24 h after infection with the algae extracts formulated in a hydrogel preparation at 5 mg/ml twice a day. The vehicle, commercially available 5% acyclovir cream, and mock-infected animals were included as controls. Skin clinical scores were assessed daily for each animal. Area under the curve values, which integrates the clinical skin scores and their duration between day 0 and day 11 post-HSV-1 infection. Representative images of skin lesions at day 5 post-infection with HSV-1. Viral titers in 200 mg of skin biopsies obtained at day 5 post-infection. Data shown are means ± SEM of two independent experiments . The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with Bonferronis post-test. ****p< 0.0001 ***p< 0.001 **p< 0.01 and *p< 0.05.

Furthermore, the treatments with the algae extracts reduced the viral loads in the infected skin, as shown in Figure 9D. On the other hand, as expected all animals had equivalent amounts of viral DNA in the dorsal root ganglia associated to the site of infection, evidencing that all animals were similarly infected, as the application of the extracts was therapeutic and non-prophylactic and was applied 24 h after infection with HSV-1 .

Gigartina: Vibrant Healths Red Marine Algae Supplement

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Vibrant Healths Gigartina, is a pure red marine algae supplement containing the encapsulated powder of 5 strains of algae from the Gigartinaceae family.

This product is seen as a significant advancement in gigartina supplementation as it contains gigartina skottsbergii, the most actively potent strain known to have an inhibiting effect on certain viruses, including the herpes virus and Epstein-Barr virus.

Vibrant Health searched long and hard before settling on this particular strain to ensure their product was of the highest quality available.

Each serving of 4 capsules of Gigartina provides 1000mg of sulfated polysaccharides concentrated up to a minimum of 30% in the gigartina extract with zero additional artificial colourings, preservatives or fillers.

When you choose Vibrant Healths Gigartina supplement, youre getting a top-shelf product thats:

  • The richest source of gigartina available
  • Provides 1000mg Gigartina skottsbergii per serving
  • Contains the highest source of sulphated polysaccharides from 30% extract
  • Soy, gluten and dairy-free
  • An Incredibly fast-acting dietary supplement

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