Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Genital Herpes Kill You

When To Call The Doctor

Herpes (oral & genital) – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Even though HSV sores can hurt and be unsightly, most cases of herpes do not cause serious illness. The sores go away in a few days. Contact the health provider if:

  • Sores are present and you think it might be a first herpes infection. The diagnosis is usually made by examining the sores. If the sores have not healed, sometimes a laboratory test is done.
  • Sores do not heal by themselves or show signs of infection such as pus, spreading redness or fever.
  • Sores are near the eyes.
  • You have another health condition with a weakened immune system.

Treatments Of Herpes Which Of Them Kill Herpes Virus

Maybe the biggest interest of people searching information about herpes is to find a cure to kill herpes virus, that is to say, a treatment for herpes that is effective and liberates them of the illness. However, most of the existent treatments dont eliminate the virus of our body.

People that are not carriers of any of the viruses that cause herpes could be interested in some preventive treatment of the illness, but unfortunately there is a vaccine to prevent only the infection from the varicella zoster virus. There is not a vaccine to prevent the infection for herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 at the present date.

We should keep in mind several factors when choosing a cure for herpes simplex virus, among them: the type of virus that has caused the illness, the place of the body where we have the outbreak, the price of the product, the proven effectiveness of the treatment in patients that have applied it, the readiness of the remedy and the possible side effects and their harmfulness for the health.

The most frequent herpes are those produced by simple herpes virus . This fact and the non-existence of a preventive vaccine that immunizes us against these viruses are the reasons that have stimulated a growing interest for the search of cures for herpes.

On this website we publish testimonials and interviews in which patients tell us their herpes stories and how they were able to get rid of the disease.

How Will My Doctor Know If I Have Herpes

Your healthcare provider may diagnose genital herpes by simply looking at your symptoms. Providers can also take a sample from the sore and test it. In certain situations, a blood test may be used to look for herpes antibodies. Have an honest and open talk with your health care provider and ask whether you should be tested for herpes or other STDs.

Please note: A herpes blood test can help determine if you have herpes infection. It cannot tell you who gave you the infection or how long you have been infected.

Recommended Reading: Can Herpes Type 1 Be Cured

I’m Pretty Sure He Knew He Had It

I felt ashamed, dirty, all those things. I had to get an STI that doesn’t go away. It’s a stigma that gets attached to you and it’s rough. I couldn’t stop beating myself up for being so careless. The guy didn’t have symptomsbut I wouldn’t have even known what to look for.

I remember wavering on whether I believed he didn’t know he had it. I can’t imagine someone being so thoughtless or heartless to subject me to this, knowing that he had it. But I’m pretty sure he knew. He seemed way too calm when I asked him.

Kill Herpes Virus: Quick And Definitive Elimination Of Virus Using A Combined Treatment


This website is constituted by a group of interconnected articles about herpes virus, the illnesses that it usually causes and the treatments to fight them. We dedicate special attention to a cure for herpes called The Ultimate Herpes Protocol which has been used by thousands of people from all over the world with satisfactory results. Many alternative medicine specialists say this treatment is the best way to kill herpes virus.

All articles of the website are written in a clear, simple and interesting language to facilitate their understanding by any interested person. The readers may formulate questions and express their opinions in the section of comments.

If you are Spanish-speaking and you want to get a remedy for herpes in Spanish, click on this link.

In this article I analyze the cause of herpes according to its type and I expose a panorama of the existent treatments at the present referring to the most significant characteristics of The Ultimate Herpes Protocol.

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Questions and answers about killing herpes virus

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Facts And Statistics About Herpes

  • According to the World Health Organization, an estimated two-thirds of the global population under 50 years old are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 .
  • Estimates for HSV-1 prevalence in the U.S. among people aged 049 years are 178 million women and 142 million men .
  • In total, about 75 percent or more of the American adult population has the HSV-1 virus that usually causes oral herpes , and about 20 percent to 30 percent have HSV-2 that usually causes genital herpes.
  • Men and women are affected by HSV-1 about equally. Roughly 6 million women in the U.S. become infected with HSV-1 each year, along with 5 million men.
  • Slightly more women than men are affected by genital herpes, whether from HSV-1 or HSV-2. Middle-aged women are most likely to acquire genital herpes.
  • Transmission of HSV most often occurs without symptoms, so its estimated that 85 percent of people with genital herpes dont know it. Many dont have any symptoms at all after the initial infection, and only about 15 percent ever receive a HSV-2 infection diagnosis in their lifetimes.
  • Most primary oral/facial HSV infections are caused by HSV-1 however, facial infection by HSV-2 is increasingly becoming common.
  • Less children are becoming infected with HSV-1 than in the past in high-income countries, mostly due to better hygiene and living conditions.
  • After someone comes into contact with an active herpes outbreak on another person, the incubation period takes about one week.

It Will Still Take A Long Time Before These Experiments Lead To The First Human Trials Of Gene Therapy To Cure Herpes Jerome Estimates That Will Be At Least Three Years Away

The team attained its first promising results years ago using a single type of meganuclease that proved effective in cutting the herpes virus DNA, but the results were short-lived. The virus could rely on the infected cellsâ own DNA-repair programs â which donât distinguish between viral genes from their own â to fix the break most of the time.

But over time, the researchers found that they could eliminate up to 90% of the latent virus by using a mix of two or three different meganucleases. It is simply harder to repair two breaks than one. With more tinkering, the results continued to improve.

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Are Herpes Symptoms Permanent

No, herpes isnt always active a herpes infection always lies between a dormant phase, where it hibernates silently in your nerve cells and an activating phase. When the virus is active it is called an outbreak, which causes noticeable symptoms. An outbreak will depend on how the virus is activated in your body.

How often will I get symptoms? This varies from person to person. Some people get several outbreaks in a year and some have no outbreaks until many years after they are first infected. It is important to see your doctor if you have any herpes symptoms.

When would you be infectious to others? oral or genital herpes is most contagious during an outbreak. In between an outbreak, the virus is mostly dormant. During this phase viral shedding can happen. This stage is when the virus becomes active on your skin and is contagious. It may or may not cause you any symptoms. If viral shedding causes no symptoms, you can pass it to unknowing partners. You are not always infectious if you have herpes, but the virus is occasionally shed from your skin when there are no symptoms present. There is a risk of passing the infection on at any time you have it, but most of the time when you do not have an outbreak, you are not infectious.

How All The Facts About Genital Herpes Can Help

An All Natural OTC Topical Product for Genital Herpes Outbreak Symptoms

Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus and in most cases causes very mild symptoms or none at all. Even when the symptoms are more severe, they are simple to treat and can usually be very well controlled.

The trouble is that most people’s perceptions of the virus are based on the wide range of myths about it, rather than the facts.

As a result, being diagnosed with genital herpes can often be both confusing and confronting.

This information is designed to help you clear up the confusion about genital herpes and start taking positive steps to get your life back to normal.

If you’ve just found out you have genital herpes, we hope you’ll find it very reassuring to know the facts about the herpes virus and what treatment option is right for you. The information in here should also help if you’re dealing with a specific issue like managing genital herpes during pregnancy, or if it’s your partner who has genital herpes or cold sores.

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Characteristics Of The Viruses That Cause Herpes

In this section I will talk about common characteristics to all the viruses that cause herpes , common characteristics to herpes simplex viruses and specific characteristics of the viruses of each type.

Common characteristics to the viruses of the subfamily alpha that cause herpes

  • The cycle of growth is short and quick. Their hosts show symptoms of the illness a few days after being infected by virus.
  • These viruses usually infect neurons and remain latent in our body during a lifetime producing recurrence of the illness in the same area of the initial infection.
  • The recurrence usually happens in stress situations or when the immune system weakens.
  • Each person can get infected with a virus of a single type, by viruses of two types or by viruses of the three types. It means, for example, that a person that has suffered from chickenpox can also suffer from genital herpes caused by HSV-2 and from labial herpes caused by HSV-1.

Characteristics of herpes simplex viruses

Besides the previous characteristics, common to all the viruses that cause herpes, herpes simplex viruses have the following common characteristics:

Parts of body infected by herpes simplex viruses.

Specific characteristics of the viruses that cause herpes

The varicella zoster virus is everywhere in the planet and it can affect us in any season of the year. Besides chickenpox and shingles, this virus can cause Reyess syndrome.

The most common forms of male genital herpes are and herpes on the scrotum.

What Are Oral Herpes Simplex Virus Infections

Oral herpes simplex virus infections cause sores to form on the mouth, lips, or gums. HSV has 2 types. Oral HSV infections are most often caused by HSV type 1. HSV type 2 normally affects the genital area, but may also occur in the mouth. After you are infected, the virus hides in your nerves and may return. An HSV infection that comes back is also known as a cold sore.

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Myth #: There Are Two Types: Genital And Oral Herpes

Buckle up, because this is where things get really confusing. There are two types of herpes, HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 is typically oral, meaning it causes cold sores on the mouth. More than half the population has been exposed to this virus, and often from childhood. HSV-2 is typically genital, and most usually is transmitted through sexual contact.

With that said, Dr. Dweck says that herpes type 1 can be spread to the genitals via oral contact . So you might have type 1 that only presents orally, or you might have type 1 that only presents genitally. Herpes type 2 can also be spread in the reverse fashion, from the genitals of one individual to the mouth of the other .

Can Herpes Kill You In Neonatal Herpes

Pin on Herpes Cure

Can herpes kill you in neonatal herpes ? In neonatal Herpes, the newborn is supposed to be treated with the right medication or else it might pass away. Medications are normally helpful to the newborn because it can go into a coma and die. Treating the mother before delivery is the only option to avoid this. Any pregnant woman diagnosed with herpes should be treated before the delivery date to reduce viral shedding and save the newborn from neonatal herpes. Neonatal herpes is not a simple disease therefore it should be regarded as emergency and quick medical intervention is made.

Primary infection is normally not severe and normally is self-limiting. This is normally followed by a latency stage where the virus is in the body but not replicating. This stage is normally safe and there is no transmission. HSV 1 normally infects the mouth and ears and this can lead to severe discomfort in the head. This virus can be transmitted through kissing or oral sex. HSV 1 is normally found in all the parts above the abdomen if it happens to infect a person. It is the one responsible for meningitis in adults. It is good to be careful when kissing to avoid getting this virus.

In conclusion,Can herpes kill you ? herpes can kill but only when it is left untreated for a long time. If it is treated quickly, then it will be easy for it to be stopped so as not to cause serious complications to the host.

Also Check: How Can I Get Rid Of Herpes Simplex

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Topical Herpes Creams And Ointments

There is a range of effective over the counter products available including Abreva, Betadine, Lemon Balm and Zovirax.

Cold sores and other herpes symptoms are caused by a virus so be on the look out for active ingredients that are specifically antiviral such as Acyclovir, also the herbs Lemon Balm and Tea Tree oil.

Some creams and ointments have antiseptic properties like Abreva and the herb Lemon Balm . Although these do not usually act directly on the virus itself, they can help by warding off the infection that is caused by the virus and soothing the redness and inflammation.

Creams and ointments are usually indicated for facial herpes infections , so check with your Doctor before trying them on a genital infection.

Here we briefly discuss some of the topical treatment options that are available:

Support And Advice For Genital Herpes

If you have just found out you have genital herpes, you may feel shocked and may have a lot of questions. It may help you to gather as much information as you can about herpes. This can help you to make fully informed decisions about your treatment, safe sex and preventing further recurrences. Talking to a counsellor about your concerns may also help.

Also Check: Does L Lysine Help Genital Herpes

Recommended Reading: Is Hpv And Herpes The Same Thing

Could I Have Genital Herpes And Not Know

Unless no one has ever kissed you, and unless you’ve never had sex, it is possible that you’ve picked up a herpes virus.

Oral herpes, usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 , shows up as cold sores or fever blisters on the mouth. Even a casual peck on the lips from someone with a cold sore can give you the virus. That’s why it’s so common: As many as 50% to 80% of adults in the U.S. have oral herpes.

Genital herpes, most often caused by the second type of herpes virus , is less common, but plenty of people still have it. Roughly one in five U.S. adults has genital herpes. But up to 90% of those who have it don’t know they are infected. You could be one of them.

How To Get Rid Of Herpes Naturally

What You Need to Know About Genital Herpes

Not every person with a herpes infection actually experiences breakouts of cold sores throughout his or her lifetime or even after initially becoming infected. How often someone has a herpes cold sore outbreak, how severe the outbreaks are, how contagious someone is after infection and how long the sores take to heal all depend on someones individual immune response.

1. Boost Nutrient Intake

If youre going to keep the herpes virus from frequently causing outbreaks, the first step in how to get rid of herpes is to improve immune function by boosting nutrient intake. Include these healing foods in your diet to keep the virus dormant as much as possible:

2. Avoid Inflammatory Foods

Certain foods can raise inflammation, weaken immune defenses and make skin irritation even worse. Avoid the following foods as much as possible to limit outbreak severity and duration.

3. Consider Supplements

  • Antiviral herbs: These include elderberry, calendula, echinacea, garlic, astragalus and licorice root.
  • L-lysine : Can help treat and prevent outbreaks.
  • Lemon balm extract: Apply as a topical cream for healing.
  • Vitamin C : Vitamin C boosts immune function improving herpes.
  • Zinc : Zinc benefits include supporting immune function, keeping viruses dormant and rebuilding skin tissue to speed up healing.
  • B-complex : B vitamins help your body deal with stress and can prevent outbreaks.

4. Try Essential Oils

5. Ease Cold Sore Pain Naturally

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Symptoms Of Genital Herpes

Primary Genital Herpes Outbreak

For people with symptoms, the first outbreak usually occurs in or around the genital area 2 days to 2 weeks after sexual exposure to the virus. The first signs are a tingling sensation in the affected areas and groups of small red bumps that develop into blisters. Over the next 2 to 3 weeks, more blisters can appear and rupture into painful open sores. The lesions eventually dry out, develop a crust, and heal rapidly without leaving a scar. Blisters in moist areas heal more slowly than those in dry areas. The sores may sometimes itch, but itching decreases as they heal.

About 40% of men and 70% of women develop other symptoms during initial outbreaks of genital herpes, such as flu-like discomfort, headache, muscle aches, and fever. Swollen glands may occur in the groin area or neck. Some women may have difficulty urinating and may, occasionally, require a urinary catheter. Women may also experience vaginal discharge.

Recurrent Genital Herpes Outbreak

In general, recurrences are much milder than the initial outbreak. The virus sheds for a much shorter period of time compared to an initial outbreak of 3 weeks. Women may have only minor itching, and the symptoms may be even milder in men.

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