Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Test Negative For Herpes And Still Have It

Genital And Oral Herpes Testing

You can test negative for COVID-19 but still have it. Heres how is fully supported by readers. We may earn a commission through products purchased using links on this page. You can read more about how we make money here.

  • Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2
  • Qualitative PCR
  • Herpes Simplex Virus Culture
  • Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1- and Type 2-Specific Antibodies

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Birth Control Pills Can Affect A Pregnancy Test

I took a pregnancy test on tuesday and they came out negative but it wasnt a two weeks after we had sex. I still took my birth control but it wasnt always on time. I stopped taking it last night and now I feel so different and im having sickness/constipation and my breasts are tender and you can see my veins. Ive been noticing my sleeping patterns have changed too and even when i sleep for a long time im still tired. What does this mean? Should i take another test? Do you think im pregnant? It has now been two weeks and plus two days since the last time i had sex.

You Got A Positive Herpes Test Now What

If you receive a positive herpes test, start by educating yourself about the herpes virus. There are many pervasive herpes myths that you shouldnt believe. The truth is that herpes is treatable and outbreaks can even be minimized or prevented with the right treatment measures.

Genital herpes and cold sores can both be addressed with a variety of household remedies, over-the-counter options, and prescription medications.

Acyclovir, for example, is an antiviral medication that treats infections caused by the herpes simplex virus, including genital herpes. Its best to start taking acyclovir as soon as you notice the first signs of an emerging outbreak. This medication stops the herpes virus from growing and spreading during an outbreak, although it cannot remove the virus from your body completely. Most people experience relief within just a few days of taking acyclovir.

If youre looking for a natural therapy to control herpes outbreaks, the Luminance RED is another option. The Luminance RED handheld devices shine red wavelengths of light over the skin of affected areas. The company has one device designed for oral herpes and one for genital herpes.

Medically-optimized red light is metabolized to accelerate the bodys healing process and strengthen its defenses against future attacks. Studies show that regular use of high-powered light treatment not only shortens the healing time of active outbreaks but can also prevent future outbreaks altogether.

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When Are Herpes Tests Accurate

In the table below, we summarize information about the timing of herpes testing.

One of the most important factors in any infectious disease testing is doing it at the right time. This means two things in the case of herpes:

  • For the blood test to be accurate, the right amount of time needs to have passed
  • The swab test should be done while symptoms are âfreshâ

For each available herpes test, we will mention:

  • The earliest testing time
  • The ideal testing time
Test type Ideal time
Swab The swab test may be performed as soon as the first blisters appear .Technique: A doctor scrapes the fresh lesion, collecting skin and fluid. To get accurate test results, this should be done within 48 hours of the appearance of the lesion .Note that technique and timing are important. This test is not commonly done for that reason,
Blood test for IgG

Earliest time

  • 3 weeks after contracting the disease, over 50% of infected people are positive for herpes
  • 6 weeks after contracting the disease, over 70% of infected people are positive for herpes
12 weeks after the initial exposure, over 92% of infected people are positive

Get treated and/or tested for herpes

Same day treatment and testing

What Happens During A Herpes Antibody Test

Is this Herpes?! Please help! (Pictures)

There are different tests for HSV. Doctors will choose a test based on a persons health history and symptoms. Options include the following:

  • Swab test: A healthcare professional uses a swab to take a sample of fluid and cells from a herpes sore. They then order a PCR test or viral culture to determine whether HSV is present. This is the most reliable way to test for HSV. Doctors normally do this as standard procedure before ordering any other sort of test.
  • Blood test: A healthcare professional uses a needle to take a small amount of blood from a vein in a persons arm.
  • Lumbar puncture: Doctors may use this method if they suspect a person has an infection in the brain or spinal cord. It involves numbing the skin of the lower spine and inserting a thin, hollow needle between two vertebrae to collect cerebrospinal fluid.

A doctor will send samples to a laboratory for testing and a person should get their results within a few days.

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How Do You Test For Herpes

You can test for herpes in three different ways: a blood test, a urine test, and/ or a swab test. The right test for you will depend on:

  • whether you have any symptoms at the time of your test
  • how long ago you think you might have been exposed
  • where you think you have herpes
  • your personal preferences

Recommended Reading: How To Get Rid Of The Herpes Virus For Good

The Bottom Line: Tests For Herpes Are More Worry Than They’re Worth

If you do have symptoms, don’t fret: If you know your status, you’re at an advantage in that you can talk with your doctor and find an antiviral drug that works for you. Medication can curtail the severity of your symptoms, as well as the number of outbreaks you get. Additionally, taking an antiviral daily will greatly reduce your chances of transmitting the virus to someone else. In case you missed it, there’s also a very promising new drug for herpes on the horizon, which researchers say could be the most effective one yet.

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Add A Comment6 Comments

I been with a guy for about 5 months i just recently found out i have herpes. He has had all kinds of bloodwork they came up negative. Hes the only guy i slept with in 24 years. The last person was my ex. I dont know how i got it.he swears he only slept with me and 2 other women

wow thanks. my boyfriend just admitted last night he knows he has herpes, and we have not been using a condom i am devastated, as i am highly traumatised anyway. yours is teh most uplifting article i have read.

I’m so sorry to hear that your boyfriend has not been truthful with you, and by his omissions may have affected your health. Of course you are traumatized! Now you MUST take steps to learn how to deal with herpes and protect your health, and make some difficult decisions regarding your relationship with your boyfriend. It may be hard right now, but you need to make your health and well-being your priority. He obviously hasn’t, and that speaks to his character and values. You have a lot to think about, and I hope you will remember that your needs have to come first. Good luck!Pat

Your friend is grieving for what she had before she got the diagnosis. We don’t really prepare people for dealing with these things. The fact that you care enough to ask how to help is remarkable. This will get better, but it will take time. Hang in there.

LoveHer – Thanks for your question, and for supporting your friend. It sounds like she’s going through a very rough time and really needs your support.

During And After The Test

How long can you test positive after a COVID-19 test?

When you have a urine STI test, it is usually during a regular appointment. You will be asked to pee into a sample collection cup or tube. That tube or cup will be given to one of the medical staff.

Your urine sample will then be sent out to a lab or tested at the clinic. You can leave as soon as you are done giving the sample or when your appointment is finished.

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Are Test Results Accurate

Tests that identify evidence of HSV infections are routine and commonly used medical tests. The ability of a test to accurately diagnose or rule out HSV infection depends on the test used for analysis and the stage of a patients infection.

The Tzanck smear and viral culture are less able to accurately identify patients who have an HSV infection than other tests. PCR testing and antibody testing are more sensitive, which means that they miss fewer cases of infection.

Blood tests that detect antibodies to HSV can distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2 but not the site of infection. This means that blood tests cannot tell whether a patient has a genital or oral herpes infection.

Although these tests are valuable for identifying HSV infection, no test is perfect. When learning of test results, patients should talk to their doctor about the type of test conducted, the reliability of test results, and if additional tests are necessary to confirm or rule out a diagnosis.

The Blood Tests Do Have A Lot Of Value But Here Are The Biggest Issues:

  • About 50% of the population has type 1 herpes. Type 1 can be genital or oral. If you have never had symptoms and obtain an IgG based type-specific blood test , and the test comes back positive for type 1, we have no way of knowing whether you are infected orally, genitally, or both. The only way we can know which location is infected is by symptoms.

  • About 30% of negative results for HSV 1 are false negatives. This means if you test negative, you might still have HSV 1.

  • If you are positive for type 2 and fall within a positive range of 1.1 – 3.5, theres a decent chance this is a false positive. About 50% of positives that fall in this range are in error, with the closer you get to 3.5 the more likely you are positive and the closer to 1.1 the less likely you are positive. There can be false positives above 3.5 as well but theyre less likely. If you do test positive within this low range, the CDC recommends confirmatory testing. The most accurate confirmatory blood test is the Western Blot. The Western Blot is more complicated to obtain and your insurance may not cover it. In addition, many doctors do not know about the high false positive rate within this range so they incorrectly diagnose their patients without getting confirmation. I have worked with a number of patients diagnosed within this range who I encouraged to follow up with the Western Blot and they discovered they were negative.

  • Blood tests given too early after possible exposure can be false negative.

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    Best Affordable Herpes Test: Healthlabs

    HealthLabs offers laboratory-based herpes tests. These may be the best option for people who do not have health insurance and those working with small budgets.

    Collection method
    does not require appointments and accepts walk-ins
    Con requires a visit to a laboratory for a healthcare professional to collect the sample

    After placing an order, the person receives a laboratory requisition form, which they need to print out and present at a laboratory. The company claims it has 4,500 laboratory locations, and individuals should receive their test results within 23 business days.

    HealthLabs has three herpes tests available for purchase:

    • a test for HSV-1, which costs $45
    • a test for HSV-2, which costs $45
    • a test for HSV-1 and HSV-2, which costs $79

    People may also order at-home tests for other STIs, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HIV.

    offers tests for early detection of herpes
    Con requires a visit to a laboratory

    To order either herpes test, a person must access the company website and enter their ZIP code to find their nearest testing center.

    The company claims it has over 4,000 private test centers across the United States.

    After ordering the herpes test, a person can walk into their local center to receive the testing. An appointment is not necessary.

    The test procedure involves a simple blood test and urine sample, which typically takes a matter of minutes. A person can expect to receive their online test results within 13 days.

    Why Doctors Dont Automatically Test You For Herpes

    Please someone let me know if this looks liks hsv2

    OK, clearly herpes is super common. So why dont doctors automatically test for it when you ask to get tested for everything? To answer that question, its important to understand the difference between STI testing and STI screening. Testing is done when you have symptoms, whereas screening is done in the absence of symptomsjust to check to see if youve been exposed.

    Doctors will screen for STIs such as gonorrhea and chlamydia even in the absence of symptoms. This is key from a public health perspective because catching these infections in time can prevent serious complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease. This happens when an untreated STI like gonorrhea or chlamydia infects reproductive organs, possibly leading to infertility.

    Experts dont screen for herpes for a few reasons.

    The U.S. Preventative Task Force has recommended against screening asymptomatic adolescents and adults for HSV infections. The rationale is that there is no health benefit thats been proven and there a couple of risks, Dr. Johnston says. One is a false positive test, and the second is a risk of anxiety is not associated with serious health outcomes, yet its still feared.

    Even pregnant people who could theoretically risk passing the virus during childbirth are not screened unless they have a history of herpes outbreaks or a current outbreak, Peter Leone, M.D., of UNCs Institute of Global Health and Infectious Diseases, tells SELF.

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    How To Use An External Condom

    1. Open carefully

    Dont use teeth, scissors or a knife to open the condom. Roughly tearing or handling the condom can damage it. If the person handling the condom has long fingernails, be extra careful as they can nick the condom, making it ineffective, putting you at risk of STI or unplanned pregnancy.

    2. Place and pinch

    3. Roll it on

    4. Afterwards


    Its recommended to use lubricated condoms and, if needed, add a personal lubricant to the outside of the condom to decrease the risk of breaking and to decrease discomfort.

    If You Get A Positive Result Don’t Panic It Really Doesn’t Mean Much

    All of this is to say that unless you have symptoms consistent with the herpes virus, why put yourself through the emotional turmoil of getting a blood test that may or may not give you legit results? As Hutcherson notes, if you do get a blood test and it comes back positive but you’re asymptomatic, what does that mean for you if you have nothing to treat? For many, due to the high rate of stigma still surrounding herpes, it can mean feelings of self-contempt, humiliation, and distress, all of which could be avoided if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms.

    To recap, while there are some tests for herpes that can prove correct, none are 100 percent perfect, and blood tests are particularly problematic since they can produce false positives and negatives. We also know that the majority of the population has some form of herpes, so IMO it’s a mystery as to why we’re still making a big deal out of it. No one likes blisters or sores, but neither does anyone love having acne, a widespread condition without the same level of attached shame.

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    Questions For Your Doctor About Test Results

    The following questions may be useful as patients review genital and oral herpes test results with their doctor:

    • What type of test was conducted?
    • What is my test result?
    • What is the most likely explanation for my test result?
    • Are there any follow-up tests that you recommend?
    • How should I discuss my test result with sexual partners?

    Also Check: What Is Suppressive Therapy For Herpes

    What You Need To Know About Herpes And How Its Transmitted

    Have Covid Symptoms But Still Testing Negative? This Is What You Should Do

    Two versions of the herpes simplex virus can cause this infection, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention : herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 .

    You might be thinking, Oooh, wait, HSV-1 causes oral herpes, and HSV-2 causes genital herpes, right? Technically, yes. But thats not the full picture. Both viruses can infect either your mouth or your genitals through skin-to-skin contact, the CDC explains.

    HSV-1 has a predilection for the oral mucosa, but cases affecting the genitals are rising, Susan Bard, M.D., a New York City board-certified dermatologist and adjunct clinical instructor at the Mount Sinai Hospital, tells SELF. This can happen if, say, a person with HSV-1 in their mouth passes the infection to someones genitals while performing oral sex. And although HSV-2 is still behind most cases of genital herpes, it can cause oral herpes when someone with this infection on their genitals passes it to another persons mouth during oral sex.

    You might think these signs would make it really obvious that something is up with your health if you have herpes. But its also entirely possible to have herpes without exhibiting any symptoms at all. The virus can lie dormant in the body without ever making itself known. Thats why so many people have herpes without realizing it, the CDC explains.

    Read Also: What Do You Take For Genital Herpes

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