Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Get Rid Of The Herpes Virus For Good

Are There Any Herpes Vaccines Currently Being Studied

Herpes : How to Stop & Get Rid of Herpes

Yes, vaccines are currently being researched to target both HSV-1 and HSV-2. Most of these vaccines are being developed for HSV-2 since it can cause more dangerous infections. But since the viruses are so similar, an HSV-2 vaccine would also likely work to prevent or treat HSV-1, too.

You may be wondering if vaccines being researched will help people who are already infected, in addition to those who havent been exposed to the virus. Luckily, studies are underway on both treatment and preventative vaccines. More on these vaccine types next.

What Is Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease , which is usually transmitted by skin contact to skin. It is a contagious viral infection that mainly affects the genitals of men and women.

This disease may be caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2 virus, but is mostly caused by HSV-2. HSV-1 virus may affect the genital organs in the same way HSV-2 virus can be transferred to mouth by oral sex.

The varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles, does not usually cause this disease.

Herpes on genitals is very common. In United States it is estimated that one of every five adults is infected, but only a third of them are unaware that they have the virus.

Many of these people have no symptoms or have very mild symptoms, which leads to that these people do not worry be carriers of the herpes virus.

Some people who have been infected with the herpes virus does not usually have outbreaks because prevents it their immune system. Other people, on the other hand, have outbreaks of herpes a few days of being infected with the virus.

Characteristics Of The Viruses That Cause Herpes

In this section I will talk about common characteristics to all the viruses that cause herpes , common characteristics to herpes simplex viruses and specific characteristics of the viruses of each type.

Common characteristics to the viruses of the subfamily alpha that cause herpes

  • The cycle of growth is short and quick. Their hosts show symptoms of the illness a few days after being infected by virus.
  • These viruses usually infect neurons and remain latent in our body during a lifetime producing recurrence of the illness in the same area of the initial infection.
  • The recurrence usually happens in stress situations or when the immune system weakens.
  • Each person can get infected with a virus of a single type, by viruses of two types or by viruses of the three types. It means, for example, that a person that has suffered from chickenpox can also suffer from genital herpes caused by HSV-2 and from labial herpes caused by HSV-1.

Characteristics of herpes simplex viruses

Besides the previous characteristics, common to all the viruses that cause herpes, herpes simplex viruses have the following common characteristics:

Parts of body infected by herpes simplex viruses.

Specific characteristics of the viruses that cause herpes

The varicella zoster virus is everywhere in the planet and it can affect us in any season of the year. Besides chickenpox and shingles, this virus can cause Reyess syndrome.

The most common forms of male genital herpes are and herpes on the scrotum.

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Is There A Link Between Genital Herpes And Hiv

It is easier for a person with genital herpes to get or transmit HIV infection.

If a person with a herpes infection is genitally exposed to HIV, their risk of acquiring HIV is than someone without genital herpes. This is because genital herpes can cause breaks in the skin and make a person more vulnerable to HIV infection.

A person with HIV and genital herpes is more likely to transmit HIV to sex partners.

A Workhorse Of Gene Therapy

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The researchers also refined their methods of transporting the molecular scissors to targeted nerve cells. From the beginning, Jerome and his team have relied on a harmless, hollowed-out virus that is drawn to the surface proteins of nerve cells. Called an adeno-associated virus vector, or AAV, it is the little workhorse of gene therapy. In this case, it is used to ferry to the infected nerve cells genetic instructions that cause them to make those meganucleases.

âWe inject the AAV vector, and it finds its way,â Aubert said.

Latent herpes viruses lurk in clusters of nerve cells called ganglia, and researchers have found that some ganglia are harder to reach than others. Over the years, they discovered that some AAV strains are better suited than others to find specific types of nerve clusters, and this has helped them fine-tune the selection of these delivery viruses to match infected cells in different places.

In their mouse experiments, the team continued to improve their results, nudging them up to a 95% reduction in herpesvirus infection in one prominent nerve cluster using a selection of two different meganucleases carried by three different flavors of AAVs. By selecting vectors that are primed for harder-to-reach nerve clusters, the group expects to continue improving their ability to eradicate the virus.

Stoddard is also tweaking the meganucleasesâ structures to make them a better fit against HSV-2.

Aubert said that comes naturally to her.

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What You Need To Know

  • Fifty percent to 80 percent of U.S. adults have oral herpes.
  • Oral herpes can be spread through intimate contact with someone who is infected.
  • Oral herpes can be difficult to diagnose. Often confused with many other infections, it can only be confirmed with a virus culture called PCR, blood test or biopsy. PCR is the preferred test for diagnosing herpes infections.
  • The best treatment for oral herpes is antiviral oral medication. Symptomatic treatment may include antiviral ointment, over-the-counter topical anesthetics or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents.

Whether you call it a cold sore or a fever blister, oral herpes is a common infection of the mouth area that is caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 . Fifty percent to 80 percent of U.S. adults have oral herpes. According to the National Institutes of Health, about 90 percent of adults have been exposed to the virus by age 50.

Once infected, a person will have herpes simplex virus for the rest of his or her life. When inactive, the virus lies dormant in a group of nerve cells. While some people never develop any symptoms from the virus, others will have periodic outbreaks of infections.

Facts And Statistics About Herpes

  • According to the World Health Organization, an estimated two-thirds of the global population under 50 years old are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 .
  • Estimates for HSV-1 prevalence in the U.S. among people aged 049 years are 178 million women and 142 million men .
  • In total, about 75 percent or more of the American adult population has the HSV-1 virus that usually causes oral herpes , and about 20 percent to 30 percent have HSV-2 that usually causes genital herpes.
  • Men and women are affected by HSV-1 about equally. Roughly 6 million women in the U.S. become infected with HSV-1 each year, along with 5 million men.
  • Slightly more women than men are affected by genital herpes, whether from HSV-1 or HSV-2. Middle-aged women are most likely to acquire genital herpes.
  • Transmission of HSV most often occurs without symptoms, so its estimated that 85 percent of people with genital herpes dont know it. Many dont have any symptoms at all after the initial infection, and only about 15 percent ever receive a HSV-2 infection diagnosis in their lifetimes.
  • Most primary oral/facial HSV infections are caused by HSV-1 however, facial infection by HSV-2 is increasingly becoming common.
  • Less children are becoming infected with HSV-1 than in the past in high-income countries, mostly due to better hygiene and living conditions.
  • After someone comes into contact with an active herpes outbreak on another person, the incubation period takes about one week.

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What Happens If Herpes Is Not Treated

Herpes can be painful, but it generally does not cause serious health problems like other STDs can.

Without treatment, you might continue to have regular outbreaks, or they could only happen rarely. Some people naturally stop getting outbreaks after a while. Herpes typically does not get worse over time.

The information on this page is adapted from the CDC and Planned Parenthood.

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Symptoms Of Recurrent Infection

Get rid of herpes virus 1 and 2

The symptoms associated with recurrent infection are generally found to be less severe when compared to primary ones.

Herpes on the lips of young woman

These symptoms are observed to last for almost 10 days the list includes:

  • Cold sores at mouth area.
  • Women may feel ulceration or blisters in cervix.
  • Tingling sensation or burning around the genitals.

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Lip Sore Treatment Device

The Luminance RED Lip Treatment Device is a breakthrough, handheld class II medical device designed to help you manage oral sores on the lips and around the mouth. Shine concentrated wavelengths of pain-free, medically-optimized light directly onto sores or on the area where sores often develop.The Luminance RED delivers similar light wavelengths that have been shown in scientific research to reduce pain and help manage outbreaks. Learn more here.

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Kill Herpes Virus: Quick And Definitive Elimination Of Virus Using A Combined Treatment

This website is constituted by a group of interconnected articles about herpes virus, the illnesses that it usually causes and the treatments to fight them. We dedicate special attention to a cure for herpes called The Ultimate Herpes Protocol which has been used by thousands of people from all over the world with satisfactory results. Many alternative medicine specialists say this treatment is the best way to kill herpes virus.

All articles of the website are written in a clear, simple and interesting language to facilitate their understanding by any interested person. The readers may formulate questions and express their opinions in the section of comments.

If you are Spanish-speaking and you want to get a remedy for herpes in Spanish, click on this link.

In this article I analyze the cause of herpes according to its type and I expose a panorama of the existent treatments at the present referring to the most significant characteristics of The Ultimate Herpes Protocol.

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Questions and answers about killing herpes virus

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There Are 2 Herpes Simplex Viruses That Can Cause Infection

  • One causes most genital herpes.
  • The other virus can also cause genital herpes but more often causes blisters of the mouth and lips.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that about 1 out of 6 people ages 14 to 49have genital herpes.

Women are more easily infected with herpes than men.

Q: How Long Does It Take For Genital Warts To Go Away

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Ans:In general, genital warts can disappear without any treatment, which takes anywhere from a few months to 2 years but warts which are left untreated will likely to return more quickly. So, a person suffering from genital warts should consult the doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment to speed up the healing process. Although HPV isnt curable, genital warts are treated without an outbreak.

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What Are The Best Ways To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore

Unfortunately, thereâs no cure for cold sores, and it can take between two to four weeks for a cold sore to heal on its own. But, there are things you can do to make them go away faster.

Here are three things that can help soothe a cold sore or make it clear up faster:

1. Try home remedies. When used early, there are several remedies that can help ease the pain and reduce swelling and may even shorten the duration of a cold sore:

  • Cold, damp washcloth
  • Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen

2. Apply topical creams and ointments. There are a few over-the-counter anesthetic ointments and creams that can help control pain, such as lidocaine or benzocaine. Some products, such as those containing docosanol or benzyl alcohol, may even promote faster healing when used early and in plentiful amounts.

3. Take prescription medications. There are antiviral drugs that can help cold sores heal faster, including acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir and penciclovir. If youâre having frequent outbreaks or experiencing some of the serious side effects of having a cold sore, your doctor may consider prescribing antiviral medication.

âTo get rid of a cold sore quickly, the best thing you can do is start treating it as soon as possible,â says Dr. Brown. âA burning or tingling sensation on your lips or face can be an early warning sign that a cold sore is developing, and the earlier you start reducing swelling and treating the cold sore, the faster it will heal.â

A Cure For Herpes There Is Progress To Report

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It takes a persistent scientist to stop a persistent virus.

A decade ago, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center virologist Dr. Keith Jerome began exploring the idea that lifelong infections with herpes viruses might be cured by using the DNA-cutting tools of gene therapy.

Initial research showed these techniques could knock out small quantities of latent virus, and the work of improving the results fell to Jeromeâs senior staff scientist, Dr. Martine Aubert. Five years ago, the team reported they had damaged the genes of 2%-4% of herpes virus in infected mice. Aubertâs work was an important proof of principle, but far short of a cure.

Nevertheless, she persisted.

On Aug. 18, the team led by Jerome and Aubert published a paper in Nature Communications showing that, through a series of incremental improvements on their original method, they had destroyed up to 95% of herpes virus lurking in certain nerve clusters of mice.

âThis is the first time that anybody has been able to go in and actually eliminate most of herpes in a body,â said Jerome, who is also spearheading research at Fred Hutch and the University of Washington on COVID-19. âIt is a completely different approach to herpes therapy than anybodyâs ever had before.â

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How Do Dermatologists Treat Herpes Simplex

There is no cure for herpes simplex. The good news is that sores often clear without treatment. Many people choose to treat herpes simplex because treatment can relieve symptoms and shorten an outbreak.

Most people are treated with an antiviral medicine. An antiviral cream or ointment can relieve the burning, itching, or tingling. An antiviral medicine that is oral or intravenous can shorten an outbreak of herpes.

Prescription antiviral medicines approved for the treatment of both types of herpes simplex include:

Taken daily, these medicines can lessen the severity and frequency of outbreaks. They also can help prevent infected people from spreading the virus.

Avoid Hot Beverages And Foods That Are Salty Spicy Or Acidic

Herpes virus treatment
  • Do yourself a favor and steer clear of foods that are likely to irritate a cold sore. Things like pretzels, curry, hot sauce, or citrus fruits could aggravate your cold sore and make the pain worse.
  • Tomatoes and citrus fruits like oranges contain acid that can irritate the skin.
  • But many of these acidic fruits also contain Vitamin C that can boost your white blood cell count to fight off the infection.
  • Instead, take a tablet containing Vitamin C to get your bodys defenders fighting the battle for you.

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Stages Of Herpes On Face Cure

The goal of the first stage is to strengthen the patients immune system. Diet plays an important role in this. Thats why the book lists the foods you should eat and those you should avoid during treatment.

Diet is important because if you have herpes, you may be contributing to frequent outbreaks with your diet and lifestyle.

The second stage of the method concentrates on destroying the protective protein layer of the virus so that the immune system, strengthened in the first stage, can eliminate it. This is the most important stage of treatment because its actions eliminate the protection of the virus that prevents its destruction by the cells of the immune system.

The third stage involves actions aimed at preventing the virus from reproducing.

Once the three stages of treatment are over, you will be herpes-free and healthier because your body has also been prepared to fight other diseases that may affect you.

Stages of The Ultimate Herpes Protocol

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What Is Oral Herpes

More than half of American adults have oral herpes. Some estimates say up to 80% of American adults have oral herpes.

Oral herpes is primarily caused by HSV-1, although it is also possible to have an HSV-2 infection around the mouth.

A person with an oral herpes outbreak may first feel itching, burning, or tingling around the mouth, lips, or tongue. Later, cold sores or small blisters may develop in these areas or anywhere on the skin.

Roughly four to six days after these cold sores start leaking, they start healing by forming a crust. Outbreaks of oral herpes can last for two to three weeks, which can be shorter than the two to six weeks of a genital herpes outbreak.

People who develop symptoms of herpes may first experience tingling, itching, or burning, then notice sores or blisters forming around the mouth or genitals.

Symptoms tend to develop 220 days after exposure to the virus.

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