Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is There Anything Over The Counter For Herpes

Home Care Measures For Genital Herpes

An All Natural OTC Topical Product for Genital Herpes Outbreak Symptoms

First, simple self-care may be enough to relieve most discomfort caused by genital herpes. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen, can help ease the pain of herpes symptoms. Doctors sometimes recommend soaking the affected area in warm water. But the area should be kept dry most of the time. If toweling off after bathing is uncomfortable, try using a hair dryer. Then put on cotton underwear. Cotton absorbs moisture better than synthetic fabric does.

Is There An Over

Yes, but OTC medications are generally less effective in treating herpes than prescription ones. Abreva is an over-the-counter topical drug that many people use to treat cold sores from HSV-1, but not HSV-2. NSAIDs like ibuprofen and Tylenol are OTC drugs that reduce pain and discomfort, but they do not treat herpes directly.

What Are The Treatment Options For Genital Herpes

Treatment with antiviral medication is a good idea the very first time people have an outbreak of genital herpes. Later outbreaks are often milder, and then medication isn’t always needed. Preventive treatment may be considered if the outbreaks are frequent.

Genital herpes may clear up on its own. But the symptoms are often more severe the first time you have an outbreak. Most people then use antiviral medication to relieve the symptoms and prevent complications. These medications include aciclovir, famciclovir and valaciclovir.

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How Is Genital Herpes Spread

Genital herpes is usually transmitted by having sexual contact with someone who carries HSV. You can get genital herpes through direct contact with an infected blister or sore, usually through sexual contact. You can also transmit or get the virus when you or your partner have no symptoms present .

Most people who infect others donât realise they are putting their partners at risk.

  • Around 80% of people with genital herpes donât know they have the virus because they have very mild symptoms or none at all.
  • More than 75% of people who have genital herpes get it from people who are entirely unaware that they have it themselves.

Using condoms reduces your risk of passing on the virus by about 50%, but does not remove it completely.

You cannot catch genital herpes by sharing cups, towels or bath water, or from toilet seats. It can only be spread by close skin-to-skin contact.

HSV that causes genital herpes does not cause cervical cancer.

About Genital Herpes Treatment

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  • Taking genital herpes treatment

    Start taking Aciclovir as soon as you feel an outbreak starting.

    Take 1 tablet 3 times a day for 5 days. Complete the course of treatment.

    If you haven’t been diagnosed with herpes previously but think you may have herpes, use our .

  • Side effects of Aciclovir tablets

    A small number of people will experience some side effects when taking Aciclovir, however these are generally mild and should pass quickly. These may include headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea or tiredness.

    For full information on side effects and correct use, see the patient information leaflet. If any side effects concern you, contact us via your Patient Record.

  • Effectiveness of Aciclovir tablets

    This treatment is for acute outbreaks of genital herpes only.

    If taken within 5 days of the start of an outbreak, Aciclovir should shorten your outbreak by 1-2 days and make the symptoms less severe. It might even prevent the outbreak if taken early enough.

    There is no cure for herpes, so it may return. This treatment does not affect how often you get future outbreaks, or how severe they will be. However, you can minimise the inconvenience and discomfort of the outbreaks by considering herpes suppression treatment.

  • How genital warts treatment works

    Aciclovir is an antiviral that works to prevent the herpes virus from multiplying. This reduces the severity of the infection.

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Treatment For Genital Herpes

There are three antiviral medications that are FDA-approved for the treatment of genital herpes:

  • Acyclovir: The oldest antiviral medication for herpes is acyclovir. It has been available since 1982 in a topical form and sold since 1985 in pill form. Acyclovir has been shown to be safe in persons who have used it continuously for as long as 10 years.
  • Valacyclovir: A newer drug, valacyclovir, actually uses acyclovir as its active ingredient. This medication delivers acyclovir more efficiently so that the body absorbs much of the drug, which has the advantage of taking the medication fewer times during the day.
  • Famciclovir: Famciclovir uses penciclovir as its active ingredient to stop HSV from replicating. Like valacyclovir, it is well absorbed, persists for a longer time in the body, and can be taken less frequently than acyclovir.

Antiviral medication is commonly prescribed for patients having a first episode of genital herpes, but they can be used for recurrent episodes as well. There are two kinds of treatment regimens: episodic therapy and suppressive therapy.

Antiviral Tablets To Stop The Herpes Virus Multiplying

Antiviral medicines taken by mouth, such as valaciclovir or acyclovir, are the most effective in controlling symptoms, although they cant cure genital herpes. They stop the virus from multiplying in body cells where the virus is present. The medicine only works while you are taking it. The infection can come back when you stop taking it.

Antiviral tablets are used in the following two ways:

  • To treat outbreaks as they happen : The aim is to shorten the time each outbreak lasts and to relieve symptoms. This works best when taken as soon as you get symptoms and before the blisters appear.
  • To prevent or reduce recurrences : If you get frequent or severe recurrent outbreaks, your doctor may recommend you take antiviral tablets every day to help prevent recurrences. Suppressive therapy is taken continuously, every day, for months or years. Suppressive antiviral therapy may help reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to sexual partners.

Antiviral creams bought over the counter from the pharmacy are not recommended as a treatment for a first episode or recurrent genital herpes as they are of little benefit. Antiviral tablets are the preferred treatment.

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Details On Valtrex Indications For Use

Your healthcare provider may write you out a prescription for Valtrex to treat herpes manifestations. The drug is highly efficacious in the therapy of:

  • Herpes simplex virus
  • Severe Epstein-Barr virus symptoms
  • Viral infections in people with the suppressed immune system due to chemotherapy or diseases.

Valtrex is a prodrug. This means that after getting to the human body, it is converted into acyclovir, and only then, the medication works to treat cold sores and other manifestations of herpes. The preparation acts by inhibiting the viral DNA replication. Besides, the metabolites of the active substance incorporate into the DNA of the virus, thus making it less active.

Carbamazepine For Shingles Pain

Herpes Simplex 1 & 2: Symptoms, Transmission and Treatment

Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant that is sometimes used for shingles pain after initial therapies fail. Like the TCAs, it is not FDA-approved for treating postherpetic neuralgia but is often used. Several other anticonvulsants can be used as well, including valproic acid and oxcarbazepine.

These drugs don’t have a lot of evidence for the benefit of shingles type pain specifically but do have a good body of evidence for diabetic neuropathy. They tend to be associated with more side effects than other treatment options.

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Different Types Of Herpes Hsv

People with herpes can experience viral symptoms in widely different ways: across this population, there is a large range in both the frequency and severity of peoples herpes outbreaks.

Ultimately, all herpes infections are caused by one of two strains of the herpes simplex virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2.

Herpes simplex virus-1 is the strain that is primarily responsible for oral herpes outbreaks, which are also known as cold sores.

In some cases, HSV-1 infections can also cause genital herpes outbreaks, for example if the virus is spread through oral sex.

Herpes simplex virus-2 , meanwhile, is the herpes simplex strain that causes most outbreaks of genital herpes.

Typically, most herpes outbreaks will resolve on their own in 1-2 weeks.

At this point, the herpes virus will move from your skin cells and into your nervous system, where it will lay dormant until it is reactivated, if for example, your immune system is under stress.

However, certain medications can make the resolution of a herpes outbreak quicker, and more tolerable.

In some cases, they can even prevent outbreaks from occurring with frequency .

How Is Herpes Diagnosed

The herpes virus is almost always spread through sexual intercourse, oral sex, or kissing. Although sometimes HSV-1 can spread via shared lip balm, utensils, or other items that come in contact with saliva.

In most cases, healthcare providers can diagnose herpes with a visual examination and by discussing various symptoms. If there’s any doubt, they can take a viral culture to confirm, which involves lab analysis of a swab or scraping.

“If the patient has no history of herpes simplex and is a new patient, I always do a viral culture,” says , MD, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of 5th Avenue Aesthetics. “Also, if I am suspicious of HSV-2 or if it is an immunocompromised patient, I will order a viral culture. I start treatment right away before results come back. These results can take one week and it is best to start treatment early.”

But again, symptoms aren’t always present. Fortunately, it’s also possible to diagnose HSV with a blood test. Your body produces antibodies to combat viruses, and doctors can use a blood sample to detect the specific antibodies that fight the herpes simplex virus.

A primary care physician can perform the examinations and tests necessary for an accurate diagnosis. However, sexual health clinics offer similar, reliable services.

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Can You Cure Herpes

Unfortunately, theres no cure for herpes. The virus stays inactive in your body and activates from time to time to cause outbreaks, months or even years after youre first infected. This is when you get symptoms. Antiviral medication for herpes can only help control the outbreaks or suppress the virus.

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When And How Are Later Outbreaks Treated

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Later outbreaks with only mild symptoms dont necessarily need to be treated. The blisters can then simply heal on their own.

But antiviral medication can also shorten the duration of later outbreaks by an average of about two days. If you decide to have treatment, its important to start it within the first 24 hours of the outbreak ideally, as soon as you notice the first symptoms. So its a good idea to always have a few tablets at home or to take them with you when you travel so they are ready to use. You can get a prescription from your doctor.

In later outbreaks you can take them for a shorter time. The WHO recommends the following:

  • aciclovir: 400 mg three times per day or 800 mg two times per day for five days, or 800 mg three times per day for two days,
  • famciclovir: 250 mg two times per day for five days, or
  • valaciclovir: 500 mg two times per day for three days.

A different dose and treatment duration may be a good idea for people who have immune system disorders, such as an HIV infection.

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Abreva’s Cream Treatment Is Infused With Docosanol To Treat Cold Sores

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Cold sores are uncomfortable and, unfortunately, very common. “About 20 to 40 percent of the population will develop at least one lesion in their lifetime, says Tsippora Shainhouse, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist in Beverly Hills, California. Because active cold sores are highly contagious, using cold sore medicine is key.

What Are The Best Natural Remedies For Herpes

When experiencing a herpes outbreak, one of the most important things someone can do is keep the area clean, cool, and dry, since heat and dampness can irritate the sores. Maintaining a healthy immune system can go a long way too, according to Dr. Hayag. “A strong, healthy immune system can keep herpes under control, prevent outbreaks, and reduce the duration of symptoms,” she says. “Supplements like zinc, vitamin C, and echinacea are vital to increasing your immune function and easy to incorporate into your daily routine.” And when it comes to natural remedies, there are several that can provide much-needed relief.

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Popular Creams For Alleviating Shingles Pain

What are shingles?Also known as herpes zoster, shingles is a condition that is triggered by the varicella zoster virus. It is the virus that is responsible for causing chickenpox. After chickenpox is treated, it remains in a dormant state inside the nervous system. Usually, shingles is characterized by a blistering rash on the skin. It is mostly a common condition in elderly individuals, who have a fragile immune system. However, any person can contract shingles. In most cases, after patients have recovered from shingles they will not get affected by it again. Although, it is possible for it to occur more than once.

Shingles is not a contagious condition, but there is a small possibility of the virus spreading to someone who has never had chickenpox and isnt vaccinated either.

Symptoms of shinglesThe most common symptom that is witnessed is a persistent form of pain that can be dull, sharp or might even burn. However, for some patients, the discomfort could be intermittent. The other signs indicating the onset of shingles are

To help you buy better, here are some of the best creams for shingles pain and itching.

Hydrocortisone creams When you are buying OTC creams for alleviating shingles pain and itching, ensure that the product has at least 1% of hydrocortisone in it. Hydrocortisone can offer quick relief from the common symptoms.

Cold compress Using a cold compress on the affected area several times a day can help calm the pain and irritation caused by shingles.

Treating Shingles With Over

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What is shingles?

Shingles, or herpes zoster, is a viral infection that presents as a blister-filled rash typically appearing on one side of the body . The rash associated with shingles is usually extremely painful. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus which is also responsible for chickenpox. After an individual has chickenpox, the varicella-zoster virus lies dormant in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. The virus can reactivate at any time, even decades later. If it reactivates, it travels along nerve fibers to the skin. This reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus is referred to as shingles.

Treating shingles

Although no cure exists for shingles, a prompt medical diagnosis is imperative in order to receive proper treatment. Medications are available that accelerate the healing process, ease pain and reduce inflammation. Early treatment is crucial to avoid complications associated with shingles, so a health care provider should be consulted as soon as possible if shingles is suspected.

Over-the-counter medications

The shingles virus causes inflammation and pain in nerve endings. Certain over-the-counter medications can help ease the pain or reduce the inflammation experienced with shingles:

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Keep The Area Clean And Dry

Its important to keep dry any areas affected by genital herpes sores. Moisture triggers irritation and can make outbreaks even worse. Try drying outbreaks with a hairdryer on low heat settings instead of a towel. It also helps to wear cotton underwear, since cotton is gentle and absorbs moisture much better than synthetic fabrics.

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What Helps Herpes Sores Heal Faster

Keeping the sores clean, cool, and dry is beneficial to the healing process. Bandaging, heating, or picking at sores will irritate them and can extend their duration. The most effective method for shortening herpes outbreaks is a prescription antiviral medication like valacyclovir, famciclovir, or acyclovir.

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When Should I Get Tested

The best time to get tested for herpes if you havent had an initial outbreak is 12 days after exposure. This is because your body will have had time to produce antibodies that can be detected on a test.

A blood test can determine whether you have these antibodies.

Swabs, on the other hand, can detect the virus directly from an active herpes lesion.

Herpes Medication: Treatment And Drug Information


Herpes is a common, lifelong viral infection that affects nearly half of American adults under the age of 50.

Most infected individuals do not develop herpes symptoms at all, but for some people, herpes infections can cause painful sores, blisters, or lesions, often on the mouth or genitals.

People who carry the herpes virus can spread it to others through close, direct, and intimate contact.

In this article, Ill review the medications that doctors use to treat both oral and genital herpes.

These include the oral antiviral medications acyclovir , valacyclovir , and famciclovir .

Ill discuss how long it typically takes for these treatments to work, as well as the various dosages available with these treatments.

Ill examine the different kinds of herpes strains and look at the major side effects of herpes medications.

Finally, Ill discuss when to see a doctor if you think you may be experiencing a herpes breakout. .

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