Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Ointment Is Good For Genital Herpes

Cream For Genital Herpes

An All Natural OTC Topical Product for Genital Herpes Outbreak Symptoms

Wash your hands before and after using the cream.

Put a thin layer of cream on the affected area 5 times a day. Do this every 4 hours for example, at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm and 11pm.

Use the cream for at least 5 days. If the genital herpes sore has not healed by then, you can carry on using the cream for another 5 days.

If the affected area has still not healed after a total of 10 days, stop using the cream and tell your doctor.

What Should I Know About Storage And Disposal Of This Medication

Keep this medication in the container it came in, with the cap on and tightly closed, and out of reach of children. Store it at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture . Never leave this medication in your car in cold or hot weather.

Unneeded medications should be disposed of in special ways to ensure that pets, children, and other people cannot consume them. However, you should not flush this medication down the toilet. Instead, the best way to dispose of your medication is through a medicine take-back program. Talk to your pharmacist or contact your local garbage/recycling department to learn about take-back programs in your community. See the FDA’s Safe Disposal of Medicines website for more information if you do not have access to a take-back program.

It is important to keep all medication out of sight and reach of children as many containers are not child-resistant and young children can open them easily. To protect young children from poisoning, always lock safety caps and immediately place the medication in a safe location â one that is up and away and out of their sight and reach.

Genital Herpes Symptoms & Treatment


  • Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that causes infected sores or blisters.

  • Its caused by the herpes simplex virus which can be passed on through close genital contact.

  • You can reduce your chances of getting genital herpes by using condoms or dental dams during sex.

  • If you think you have symptoms of genital herpes you should see a healthcare worker, they can take a swab from a blister and test to confirm if its caused by the herpes simplex virus.

  • Treatment can help with herpes outbreaks, but the virus cannot be cured and will remain in the body. This means that blisters normally come back once in a while.

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Rule #: Make Sure Its Actually Herpes

Herpes tends to appear on areas of your body known as the mucous membranes. This includes all the moist spots exposed to open air . If your outbreak is far away from your mouth , it might not actually be herpes. Your best bet is to be evaluated by a medical professional to make sure.

The first time you get herpes , symptoms often include more than just a cold sore. You might also develop signs of a cold, including fever, fatigue, achy muscles, and sore throat. Kids who get herpes for the first time might have swelling and pain in their gums, difficulty swallowing, and fevers too .

Herbs Vitamins And Other Supplements

Herpes Treatment Cream Genital Lip Quickly Cleanse ...

It isnt always possible to eat foods containing the high levels of nutrients your body needs to fight genital herpes, but herbs, vitamins, and supplements can help. The following choices are known to boost immune system function and help the body combat herpes outbreaks.

Zinc. Chickpeas, pork, lamb, and wheat germ all contain high levels of zinc. Research shows that zinc ions are active against the herpes simplex virus and may even extend the time between outbreaks.

Lysine. Research is still ongoing, but recent reports suggest that daily lysine supplementation may reduce the recurrences of herpes outbreaks. Though lower doses of lysine show little effect, high doses of up to 3,000 mg a day may be beneficial.

Probiotics. Probiotics are well known for their immune-boosting abilities. Now research also shows that certain probiotic strains can limit herpes infections as well.

Vitamin B Complex. The full range of B vitamins serves many critical roles in your body, including healthy cell growth, metabolism, and energy. You need all of these functions in full force to respond to an active outbreak of herpes.

Aloe vera. Aloe vera isnt just for sunburn! Pure aloe vera offers antimicrobial, antifungal, and wound healing properties that soothe herpes symptoms and encourage rapid healing.

Also Check: Can You Transmit Herpes Without Blisters

How Does Aciclovir Cream Compare To Tablets

What are the pros of using tablets in comparison to creams?

  • They treat more severe infections
  • They are prescribed for both treating or preventing herpes recurrences
  • They treat herpes infections inside the mouth and recurrent cold sore outbreaks
  • Your doctor can adjust doses if you are unable to tolerate a dose or if your infection does not respond

What are the cons of using tablets in comparison to creams?

  • You need a prescription to obtain them
  • There is a higher risk of side effects especially in elderly people and those with kidney impairment
  • There is a higher risk of interactions with other medicines
  • They may cause drowsiness as a side effect that can affect your ability to drive or operate heavy machinery
  • You should keep well hydrated by drinking plenty of water whilst taking them

You cannot swap the cream with tablets or vice versa the cream can only be applied to the skin to treat cold sores. Tablets can be used for recurrent cold sore outbreaks, herpes infections inside your mouth, genital herpes and more severe infections. Tablets are also prescribed to prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of the body where it can cause more severe infections in people with weak immune systems. There are also different dosages of the tablets available that are prescribed depending on how severe your infection is.

Where can I get aciclovir tablets or cream from? you can order your aciclovir tablets for genital herpes, or for cold sores using ZAVA’s online doctor service:

What Is Aciclovir Cream

It’s an antiviral cream used to treat herpes infections affecting the mouthcold sores. It cant be used for infections affecting the eyes, and is recommended to treat genital herpes.

How do I know I need to use the cream? cold sores are most contagious during an outbreak. You should start using the cream at the first sign of an infection . It is best to start using it at this stage before the cold sore is visible, as treatment is more effective. You can use it once your cold sore has appeared but the cream may not always work.

What are the dosages available? The cream is available in a strength of 5%, which means there is 5 g of the active ingredient, aciclovir in 100 g of cream.

How do I apply it? the cream is applied five times a day for four days to treat cold sores. You can apply it for a total of ten days if you still have symptoms. Use the following steps when applying it:

  • Always wash your hands before and after applying aciclovir cream
  • Apply it approximately four hours apart. Applying the cream at evenly spaced intervals makes it more effective as the amount of aciclovir absorbed into your skin remains constant
  • If you forget to use the cream, use it as soon as you remember and continue as before. However, if it is nearly time for your next application, then skip the missed application
  • Contact your doctor if your cold sore hasnt healed after 10 days or if your symptoms get worse during treatment
  • Use the cream within 4 weeks of opening

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Is There A Cure Or Treatment For Herpes

There is no cure for herpes. Antiviral medications can, however, prevent or shorten outbreaks during the period of time the person takes the medication. In addition, daily suppressive therapy for herpes can reduce the likelihood of transmission to partners.

Several clinical trials have tested vaccines against genital herpes infection, but there is currently no commercially available vaccine that is protective against genital herpes infection. One vaccine trial showed efficacy among women whose partners were HSV-2 infected, but only among women who were not infected with HSV-1. No efficacy was observed among men whose partners were HSV-2 infected. A subsequent trial testing the same vaccine showed some protection from genital HSV-1 infection, but no protection from HSV-2 infection.

How To Use Famciclovir

Genital herpes symptoms and treatments – Dr. Jennifer Wu

Read the Patient Information Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start taking famciclovir and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Take this medication by mouth with or without food, usually 2 to 3 times a day or as directed by your doctor.

This medication works best when started at the first sign of an outbreak, as directed by your doctor. It may not work as well if you delay treatment.

The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.

This medication works best when the amount of drug in your body is kept at a constant level. Therefore, take this drug at evenly spaced intervals. To help you remember, take it at the same times each day.

Continue to take this medication until the full prescribed amount is finished. Do not change your dose, skip any doses, or stop this medication early without your doctor’s approval.

Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens.

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Genital Herpes Hiv And Sexual Health

Genital herpes is one of the most common co-infections for people living with HIV and can be a more serious condition if youre HIV positive meaning that outbreaks may last longer and blisters can be more severe. If youre having recurrent outbreaks of genital herpes, you should have an HIV test, as this may be a sign of a weakened immune system caused by HIV.

Having an STI such as genital herpes can increase your risk of getting and passing on HIV, as the blisters and sores provide an easy way for HIV to get into your body and cause an infection. People living with HIV who arent on treatment or who have a lower CD4 count are especially vulnerable to other infections, like herpes.

If youre taking antiretroviral treatment for HIV, its important to discuss with your doctor how treatment for herpes may interact with your HIV drugs.

What Is The Usual Treatment For Genital Herpes

The doctor may prescribe antiviral tablets to speed up healing and reduce the severity of a first episode. Aciclovir is the most commonly used antiviral drug for treating genital herpes. You dont need the tablets if the first episode is mild, or if you have almost recovered before you see the doctor.If you get more episodes later on, you will be less likely to be offered with antiviral tablets as outbreaks clear up without treatment.To prevent a recurrent outbreak with antiviral tablets, you need to start taking them within 24 hours of noticing the beginning of the outbreak. When you start after 24 hours, it is unlikely that the tablets will have much effect. This is why you should have a prescription or tablets ready, so that you can start to take them as soon as possible see dosing information below. Members can ask for our antiviral drug fact sheet see subscription form. And we offer self-help suggestions too.

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How To Use Propolis For Herpes

Medline Plus recommends using one of two different propolis ointments for either cold sores or genital herpes. Both ointments are reported to improve the healing time and relieve the pain somewhat.

Propolis ointment should be applied five times a day for cold sores and four times a day for genital herpes outbreaks.

Understanding Herpes With H Hunter Handsfield Md

Herplex Genital Oral Herpes Treatment Medication for Men ...

Herpes expert H. Hunter Handsfield, MD, explains the basics about genital herpes, including the difference between genital HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection, testing options and the importance of knowing virus type, and the three-prong strategy for prevention. See more herpes videos at

Have a question about herpes youd like Dr. Handsfield or our other experts to answer? Visit our Ask the Experts page to learn how.

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Why You Should Buy The Best Propolis Ointment For Herpes On Amazon

There is a reason why many people prefer buying products from Amazon. Despite being a credible platform, Amazon has a variety of laptops and also works directly with manufacturers. This means that instead of purchasing your laptop from a retailer, you get it directly from the manufacturing company.

Amazon serves as a third-party and works with various manufacturers across the world. The good thing about Amazon is that it offers a perfect guide about each type of laptop.You will see a clear description of each Propolis Ointment For Herpes. This makes it easy for you to make the right decision.

For instance, the guide has information regarding the specs of the Propolis Ointment For Herpes you want such as brand, size, function among other features. In case you want a Propolis Ointment For Herpes with specific features, then Amazon has the best search tools. All you have to do is to key in the features you prefer and a list of laptops will appear on your screen.

What Can I Do If I Have Herpes

Many people who find out they have herpes feel depressed knowing they will always have the virus and can give it to others. But you are not alone. Herpes is one of the most common STIs, both in the US and worldwide. Exact numbers of people affected are not known. This is because many people dont realize they have it, especially if symptoms are minor and are not bothersome. If you have herpes, you should:

  • Learn all you can about it. Information will help you to manage your disease and feel better about yourself.
  • Talk about your illness with your doctor.

If you have herpes, you can still:

  • Have sex if you use a condom , and you tell your partner about your illness. Some couples, who have sexual relations only with each other, may choose not to use condoms even though one partner has herpes. Because each situation is different, you should talk to your doctor if this is a right choice for you in your relationship.
  • Have children. Women with herpes can still give birth to healthy babies. If you have herpes and plan to have children, discuss your illness with your health care provider.

If you have herpes, you should also get checked for HIV and other STIs .

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How To Cope After Diagnosis

Many posters were occupied with the issue of passing on the infection. Yolandayw points out that you can minimise the risk of transmission by postponing sex until all the sores have healed. She also mentioned that condoms should be used. They won’t completely prevent transmission but they will help.

Ending on a positive note, many posters emphasised that there was light at the end of the tunnel. Learning of the diagnosis may feel stressful at first, but it’s a manageable condition and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Lucy03934 has had genital herpes for 25 years. She’s been married for 18 years and has two sons – living proof that there is life after herpes.

Rule #: Dont Touch It

Can You Get Genital Herpes From Oral Herpes And Vice Versa?

Touching the sores can increase the chance that you spread the virus to other parts of your body or to other people. Make sure to wash your hands frequently. Also, you can use a cotton swab or a finger cot to apply cream or ointment to the affected area instead of your fingers to avoid spreading the virus to other regions .

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Before Using Topical Acyclovir

  • tell your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to acyclovir, valacyclovir , any other medications, or any of the ingredients in acyclovir cream or ointment. Ask your pharmacist for a list of the ingredients.
  • tell your doctor and pharmacist what other prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal products you are taking or plan to take. Your doctor may need to change the doses of your medications or monitor you carefully for side effects.
  • tell your doctor if you have or have ever had any condition that affects your immune system such as human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome .
  • tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding. If you become pregnant while using acyclovir, call your doctor.

What Triggers Herpes Outbreaks

If youve had herpes for a while, you might have identified things that cause your herpes to crop up. Some of the most well-known triggers for herpes are things that stress your body, like lack of sleep or even a common cold. While your body is off dealing with some other stress, your immune system is essentially distracted, allowing your herpes to wake up. Thats why theyre called cold sores or fever blistersbecause they often appear when you have a cold or fever.

Other common triggers include:

  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Physical stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Reduced immune function

And while herpes viruses might be best known for causing cold sores and genital herpes, theres a whole range of herpes viruses. Different ones are responsible for causing various diseases. These include chickenpox and shingles, eye infections, mono , and more. Classic cold sores and genital herpes are typically caused by herpes simplex virus 1 or herpes simplex virus 2 .

Also Check: How To Reduce Herpes Outbreaks

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