Friday, July 26, 2024

Where Does Herpes Live In The Body

Recurrence Course Triggers And Timing

The Truth about Herpes | What’s My Body Doing

Course of Recurrence

Most cases of herpes simplex recur. The site on the body and the type of virus influence how often it comes back. Recurrences of genital herpes are more likely with HSV-2 infection than with HSV-1 infection.

The virus usually takes the following course:

  • Prodrome. The outbreak of infection is often preceded by a prodrome, an early group of symptoms that may include itchy skin, pain, or an abnormal tingling sensation at the site of infection. Headache, enlarged lymph glands, and flu-like symptoms may occur. The prodrome, which may last from 2 hours to 2 days, stops when the blisters develop. About 25% of the time, recurrence does not go beyond the prodrome stage.
  • Outbreak. Recurrent outbreaks feature most of the same symptoms at the same sites as the primary attack, but they tend to be milder and briefer. After blisters erupt, they typically heal in 6 to 10 days. Occasionally, the symptoms may not resemble those of the primary episode, but appear as fissures and scrapes in the skin or as general inflammation around the affected area.

Triggers of Recurrence

Herpes outbreaks can be triggered by different factors. They include sunlight, wind, fever, physical injury, surgery, menstruation, suppression of the immune system, and emotional stress. Oral herpes can be triggered within about 3 days of intense dental work, particularly root canal or tooth extraction.

Timing of Recurrences

Meanwhile Virus Proteins Are Transcribed Perfectly

Another interesting discovery is that although the host DNA is transcribed into nonsense, it transcribes the viral DNA perfectly throughout infection.

Thus, HSV-1 produces two results that are to its advantage. The effect of producing nonsense from the host cell DNA causes the cell to shut itself off preventing the immune system from attacking the virus. And this in turn helps increase the production of viral proteins and the production of new virus particles.

The researchers note that their discovery may explain why so many previous studies have suggested HSV-1 activates large numbers of genes that normal host transcription would overlook. They suggest something else is happening: because the transcription does not stop at the end codes, it may appear that hundreds of additional genes are being transcribed, but these are never translated into proteins. Prof. Dölken explains:

Unlike previous studies, which only studied single genes, we also found no indication that the virus generally impedes the processing of RNA in the cell nucleus, known as splicing. Instead, it causes unusual splicing events, many of which have never before been observed.

The study also achieves a significant step forward in the method for studying viruses in cells. It shows how a single experimental approach can be used to observe and record all the changes to host RNA transcription and their effect on protein production.

Viruses In The Human Herpesvirus Family

Only eight members of the herpesvirus are known to infect humans, which is why they are known as human herpesviruses. Some of these viruses have more than one name. The eight herpesviruses that infect humans are:

  • Human Herpesvirus 1 , also known as Herpes Simplex Virus 1
  • Human Herpesvirus 2 , also known as Herpes Simplex Virus 2
  • Human Herpesvirus 3 , also known as Varicella Zoster Virus
  • Human Herpesvirus 4 , also known as Epstein-Barr Virus
  • Human Herpesvirus 5 , also known as Cytomegalovirus
  • Human Herpesvirus 6
  • Human Herpesvirus 7
  • Human Herpesvirus 8 , also known as Kaposiâs Sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus

Because referring to these viruses can become confusing due to the similarity of the names, this document will use the alternative names. For example, human herpesvirus 1 will be called herpes simplex virus 1 or HSV-1, and human herpesvirus 4 will be called Epstein-Barr Virus or EBV.

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So Cold Sores Are Only Caused By Hsv

Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause cold sores on the mouth and face.

Although its more common for HSV-1 to cause cold sores, it isnt impossible for HSV-2 to cause them, too.

Cold sores arent the same thing as canker sores or mouth ulcers. They each have different causes and two entirely different presentations.

Cold sores:

  • are caused by the herpes simplex virus
  • usually develop near the outside of the mouth, such as below your nostrils or on your lips
  • cause redness and fluid-filled blisters
  • usually appear in groups
  • eventually break and ooze, forming a crust-like scab
  • may take 2 to 4 weeks to completely heal

Canker sores:

  • may be caused by food or chemical sensitivities, dietary deficiencies, minor injury, or stress
  • may develop anywhere inside your mouth, such as at the base of your gum line, inside your lip, or under your tongue
  • are shaped like a circle or oval
  • are typically yellow or white with a red border
  • may appear solo or in groups
  • usually take 1 to 2 weeks to completely heal

HSV-1 is spread through direct contact with the virus, which can be present in or around cold sores, in oral secretions , and in genital secretions .

Some of the ways it can be transmitted include:

  • kissing someone on the mouth
  • sharing eating utensils or cups
  • sharing lip balm
  • performing oral sex

The herpes virus usually affects the area where it first made contact with the body.

Some of the ways HSV-2 can be transmitted include:

  • oral sex

How Does A Virus Become A Latent Infection

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Herpes viruses are by far the most common viral infections that establish latency.

This is a large family of viruses whose genetic material, or genome, is encoded by DNA . Herpes viruses include not only herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 which cause oral and genital herpes but also chickenpox. Other herpes viruses, such as Epstein Barr virus, the cause of mononucleosis, and cytomegalovirus, which is a particular problem in immunodeficient individuals, can also emerge after latency.

Retroviruses are another common family of viruses that establish latency but by a different mechanism than the herpes viruses. Retroviruses such as HIV, which causes AIDS, can insert a copy of their genome into the human DNA that is part of the human genome. There the virus can exist in a latent state indefinitely in the infected human since the virus genome is copied every time DNA is replicated and a cell divides.

Viruses that establish latency in humans are difficult or impossible for the immune system to eradicate. That is because during latency there can be little or no viral protein production in the infected cell, making the infection invisible to the immune system. Fortunately coronaviruses do not establish a latent infection.

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Treatment For Genital Herpes

Three drugs are approved to treat genital herpes:

  • Acyclovir
  • Valacyclovir
  • Famciclovir

These medications are antiviral drugs called nucleoside analogues. The drugs are used initially to treat a first attack of herpes, and then afterward to either treat recurrent outbreaks or reduce frequency of recurrences .

No drug can cure herpes simplex virus. The infection may recur after treatment has been stopped. Even during therapy, an infected person can still transmit the virus to another person. Drugs can, however, reduce the severity of symptoms, improve healing times, and prevent recurrences.

Antiviral drugs for genital herpes are generally given as pills that are taken by mouth. If people experience very severe disease or complications, they need to be hospitalized and receive an antiviral drug intravenously. Acyclovir is also available as an ointment, which can be used as an adjunct for treatment of initial genital herpes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Herpes

According to the statistics from CDC in 2015, approximately fifty million Americans have genital herpes. Though a significant number of people are living with herpes caused by HSV, many of them dont know that they have it. So its important for people to know about this disease. When you find out that you have herpes, you may have many questions about it. We have collected the most common questions about herpes and provide you with the answers.

Below are some commonly asked questions and answers about herpes.

If you are unable to find out the questions about herpes here, you can get help from Ask the Experts which is powered by American Sexual Health Association and the STD counselor from the largest herpes dating and support site PositiveSingles.

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How Is Genital Herpes Managed Or Treated

If you have mild symptoms or infrequent outbreaks, you might not need or want treatment. During an outbreak, these steps can ease symptoms:

  • Apply an ice pack to your genitals. Wrap the ice pack in a washcloth or apply it over your underwear.
  • Keep your genitals dry. Wear cotton or other nonsynthetic underpants and avoid tight-fitting clothes. Moist sores take longer to heal.
  • Soak in a warm bath.
  • Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing.
  • Topical 1% or 2% lidocaine may be used as topical analgesic

Antiviral medications can prevent outbreaks. They can also lessen symptoms and help symptoms go away faster. You take this medicine as a pill or intravenous injection. When taken daily, antivirals can prevent an outbreak. They lower the chances of spreading the virus to other people.

How To Avoid Herpes

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As long as you’re sexually active, there’s a chance you could get herpes. You’ll make it a lot less likely if you use a latex or polyurethane condom or dental dam every time, for every activity. The dam or condom only protects the area it covers. If you donât have herpes, you and your partner should get tested for STDs before sex. If youâre both disease-free and arenât having sex with other people, you should be safe.

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Ruling Out Conditions That Resemble Oral Herpes

Canker Sores

Simple canker sores are often confused with the cold sores of HSV-1. Canker sores frequently crop up singly or in groups on the inside of the mouth, or on or underneath the tongue. Their cause is unknown, and they are common in perfectly healthy people. They are usually white or grayish crater-like ulcers with a sharp edge and a red rim. They usually heal within 2 weeks without treatment.

This aphthous ulcer is located in front of and just below the bottom teeth.


Oral candidiasis is a yeast infection that causes a whitish overgrowth in the mouth. It is most common in infants, but can appear in people of all ages, particularly people taking antibiotics or those with impaired immune systems.

Other conditions that may be confused with oral herpes include herpangina , sore throat caused by strep or other bacteria, and infectious mononucleosis.

What Can You Catch From A Dirty Towel

While herpes cant be transmitted from using a dirty towel, there are germs that may be passed from one person to another in this way. Most commonly, these are the bacteria Staphylococcus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus .

These germs and others live for a longer period of time on hard, porous surfaces than on nonporous ones, such as fabric. Even so, you may be exposed to viruses, fungi, and bacteria from a dirty towel if its newly soiled.

Caregivers to sick individuals must be especially careful not to come into contact with towels soiled from:

  • vomit
  • fecal matter
  • phlegm

Washing your hands thoroughly and immediately after touching a dirty towel should be enough to protect you from contagions.

Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be transmitted from skin-to-skin contact as well as from contact with bodily fluids, such as:

  • saliva
  • semen

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Prognosis Of Genital Herpes

Genital herpes can be treated and managed. Baill stresses that for most people who have healthy immune systems, the high-risk times for giving a sex partner genital herpes are during the first outbreak and during later outbreaks of sores.

Without such an outbreak, the viral load is usually not sufficient to infect a normal, healthy partner, she says. Antiviral medication can be effective at controlling the frequency and the severity of genital herpes outbreaks, Baill says.

For some people, though, even the times when no symptoms are present can be risky ones for transmission.

If you have genital herpes and your partner is taking biologic drugs for rheumatoid arthritis or MS or psoriasis, you may need to be extra careful, says Baill. It may take a lower viral load to infect people taking those medications.

In these situations, she says, you may want to take antiviral drugs in an ongoing way to keep your viral load low and protect your partner.

What Are The Symptoms Of Genital Herpes

Herpes Rash On Body Symptoms : Herpes Zoster or something ...

Most individuals infected with HSV are asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms that go unnoticed or are mistaken for another skin condition. 9 When symptoms do occur, herpes lesions typically appear as one or more vesicles, or small blisters, on or around the genitals, rectum or mouth. The average incubation period for an initial herpes infection is 4 days after exposure. 10 The vesicles break and leave painful ulcers that may take two to four weeks to heal after the initial herpes infection. 5,10 Experiencing these symptoms is referred to as having a first herpes outbreak or episode.

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When To Call The Doctor

Even though HSV sores can hurt and be unsightly, most cases of herpes do not cause serious illness. The sores go away in a few days. Contact the health provider if:

  • Sores are present and you think it might be a first herpes infection. The diagnosis is usually made by examining the sores. If the sores have not healed, sometimes a laboratory test is done.
  • Sores do not heal by themselves or show signs of infection such as pus, spreading redness or fever.
  • Sores are near the eyes.
  • You have another health condition with a weakened immune system.

How Long Does Herpes Live On Wet Surfaces

HSV was placed on plastic surfaces in a humid atmosphere of 37 to 40 degrees C in order to approximate the conditions of survival on plastic-coated benches and seats in spa facilities. It was found that the virus could survive for up to four years. These conditions require a minimum of five hours of sleep.

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What Can I Do If I Have Herpes

Many people who find out they have herpes feel depressed knowing they will always have the virus and can give it to others. But you arent alone. Herpes is one of the most common STIs, both in the U.S. and worldwide. If you have herpes, you should:

  • Learn all you can about it. Information will help you to manage your disease and feel better about yourself.
  • Talk about your illness with your doctor.

If you have herpes, you can still:

  • Have sex if you use a condom , and you tell your partner about your illness. Some couples, who have sexual relations only with each other, may choose not to use condoms even though one partner has herpes. Because each situation is different, you should ask your doctor if this is the right choice for you in your relationship.
  • Have children. People with herpes can still give birth to healthy babies. If you have herpes and plan to have children, discuss your illness with your healthcare provider.

If you have herpes, you should also get checked for HIV and other STIs .

Everyone Has A Herpes Virus

Medical & Health Questions : Facts About Herpes Simplex

Did you know that you most likely have live viruses hiding in your nerves and central nervous system? If you have ever had a cold sore, or even the chicken pox than you do. Both of these viruses are of the herpes virus family which as well as cause visible effects of their infection, also hide in your nerves waiting to reinfect later.

I say hides because our bodies have actually developed mechanisms to prevent our own bodys defenses from attacking nerve cells. These defenses are necessary because nerve cells are extremely important for movement and being able to react to the environment around you. This can be as simple as putting on a sweater because your can sense that your body is cold or moving your hand out of the fire because you can sense that it is painful.

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus or HSV-1. The virus infects the cells in your lips as well as traveling up the sensory neurons. Your body controls the virus by killing the cells in your lips which are infected with the virus this cell death causes the blistering sore. The virus particles which have made it to the nerves hide in waiting.

Other herpes viruses:

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How Will You Know If You Have Hsv

In most cases, you wont know unless you develop blisters or sores on the mouth or genitals. These sores usually have a burning, tingling sensation.

If you think youve been exposed to HSV-2 or would like to know if you carry the virus, talk to a doctor or other healthcare provider about testing.

Yes, you can still have sex if you have HSV-1 or HSV-2.

However, you should avoid intimate contact if youre experiencing an active outbreak. This will reduce the risk for transmission to your partner.

For example, if you have a cold sore you should avoid kissing your partner or performing oral sex.

If you have an active genital outbreak, you should avoid any below-the-belt activity until it clears.

Although the virus is less likely to spread when no symptoms are present, practicing sex with a condom or another barrier method, such as a dental dam, can help reduce the overall risk for transmission.

You may also consider talking to your healthcare provider about prescription antiviral medication, such as:

  • acyclovir

These medications can help suppress the virus and reduce the risk of transmission.

In rare cases, herpes can be transmitted during pregnancy or childbirth. Reassurances about genital herpes during pregnancy and birth. .

If youre pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, talk to an obstetrician or other healthcare provider about the steps you can take to reduce the risk for transmission.

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